12. sick

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we make our way through camp, looking for the perfect hiding place to get away from tommy. i look behind us and don't see him, thankfully.

"mess haul! in here!" ziggy whispers. we run through the doors and slam them closed flicking the locks closed with shaky hands. the room is huge, with no nook to hide in.

i look around nervously, "kitchen!" i whisper as we jog over quietly. we sneak in there and i open every drawer i walk by. "what are you doing?" ziggy whispers.

"trying to survive." i respond simply as i pull a large knife from the drawer. she shakes her head immediately, "no, no. i'm not letting you kill yourself attempting to kill him sarah." she says as she reaches for me.

"it will be fine, i promise. we have to.. distract him. so i can get behind him." i say as i think of something. ziggy nods and thinks for a moment before running over to a radio on one of the tables.

she flicks the switch on and a cheerful song clicks on, definitely not the time but it's a distraction. the music blasts out of the speakers all over camp. we just saved nick's ass.

"come on!" she whispers as she runs to the back in the storage closet behind shelves. i follow her through the room and hear a distinct bang of tommy's axe. i jump at the sound of the door breaking apart.

please don't kill us. please don't kill us.

i clench my eyes closed and grip on the knife tightly. my stomach churns with nerves and i feel sick. "we're gonna die." i sigh. "no, no it's okay." ziggy tries reassuring. we both know it.

teenage girls can't kill a possessed dude with an axe.

i look around the room for anything else that can help us. i look at a shelf in front of us. an empty potato bag.

"if he grabs you, put that over his head." i whisper. she turns to me with raised eyebrows. she nods shortly after and the door breaks down.

i exhale shakily and my knuckles turn white around the knife. i can do this.

i can hear tommy walking through the room, tapping his axe against the floor threateningly. he walks in the kitchen and into the storage room.

he walks right past our hiding spot. my stomach clenches and i breath deeply. it feels like my body moves without me telling it to, but i have to do this for ziggy.

i can't let her die.

i step out from behind the shelf as ziggy reaches for me. i lift my shaky hand and aim the knife for his back. is this a vital spot?

i clench my teeth and gulp as i draw the knife back, preparing to plunge the knife into his body.


author speaks
cliff hanger..
read the next part
to see what happens...

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐁 - fear street 1978Where stories live. Discover now