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DANI'S POV on the way to the hospital

I texted the girls as soon as I hang up on Cody. About five minutes later, as I busted through the hospital's door bumping into the girls. We ran to the secretary's desk the nurse was dark skinned and she was five months pregnant . Her name is Sophia, I've known Sophia since I was in 2nd grade. When I fell from the top of an apple tree. "Naomi Wells' room?" I ask. "302 girls." we said our thanks and ran towards the room. Cody is sitting on the cold tile floor , head in his hands. Eli was beside him holding like a Cody was a little child. :Paris and Dani moment- AWWW THEY'RE HAVING A GAY MOMENT!!!!!!: (sorry my friend and me do this when our best guy friends or boyfriends do this so I had to put it in) Eli look up, his eyes were a grey blue tears falling. He got to his feet, he wrap his strong arms around me. Cody must have went over to the girls. Because when I look over Eli's shoulder, (Which is harder then you think. Boy is tall) Cody wasn't there. Eli held me for awhile. Cody suddenly spoke "The doctors haven't said anything yet." I broke from Eli's embrace. I slowly walk over to Cody and the girls. "What happen?" I said in a low and dark voice. "I..." he stuttered. "what happen to my friend?" I yelled slamming him into the wall. "Dani let him go. He wasn't the one who put Naomi in the hospital.

"Ok this is what happen."


Earlier that night

It was cold breezy night. Naomi was begging me to teach her how to drive. Her big brown eyes beg me.there was no way I could say no to her. After driving in the parking lot for a while, she headed towards the main road. She was going 50 miles per hour, laughing and along to the radio. When a sliver corvette came out of no where and hit us at full force. The car flipped three times landing on the roof. All of the windows were broken. Naomi was bleeding every where. But I could barley keep my eyes open. I heard sirens and saw flashing lights before my eyes shut. When I woke up, I was in a white room. My arm was broken and I had busted my head open. I asked the doctor if Naomi was ok. But all he told me was that I need to call my parents. I called Dani one of Naomi's best friends.

"Hello Dani is this you?" I ask in a husky voice.

"Yes this is she. Who is this?" "It's Cody! Naomi and me got in a wreak. I let her drive and a drunk driver hit us." Before I could ask anything else she hang up. I calls Eli but he was already here. I cried and cried. It was all my fault!

By the way I hate this chapter. I hate hospitals

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