6: Confusion and dates

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated. I've had writers block latly but I hope you like. Hey follow me on twitter rosiewaters!! Plz thanks

6: Confusion and dates


"He ask me out! HE ASKED ME OUT!!" Naomi repeated over and over. "Great Naom. So where he taking you?" ask Paris "OMBMPC (oh my butter milk pancakes) I have know idea." she said Pairs just rolls her eyes "Hey where's Dani she never late for lunch?" I ask we all look around this is Dani's favorite period besides detention that is. Dani came in with her launch. "Hey girls, whats up?"she ask "Nothing CODY ASKED ME OUT!!!!". Naomi said "That's awesome I'm so happy for you!" " Dan you smell great what you wearing?" ask Paris as she sniff her " dark temptation no one wears that but Eli.! You were with Eli weren't you?" she said a little louder then she should. "Yeah I bump in to him." Dani said and she blushing. "So you guys coming to help me pick out my outfit for tomorrow night?" Naomi ask all of us. "Of course."  

DANI'S POV walking home

'What happen today? When Eli grabbed my hand. I like it a lot! WHY DID I LIKE IT!?He was suppose to be my best friend not some one I want to be in a relationship with. I've had this thought on my mind since it had happen. I went in to my kitchen and got some peanut butter and a spoon. I went to my room, turn on my tv and started watching Danny Phantom. Yes I still watch Danny Phantom, he is a boss! "Her blond hair, blue eyes. The one that got a way"( that song is called blond hair blue eyes. By School Boy Humor please look them up) It was five o'clock I knew I need to run. But I was just to confuse at the moment. 'Eli.. What happen to him? He was so different from the boy I knew last year. When he held my hand, my heart beat fasten. It was like spring break at the park and he kissed my head. How my heart beat could be heard miles away. Today his eyes were a beautiful sea blue insert of that mucky brown. I grab my IPhone 4 and started looking through my photos there were a lot of me and the girls, of my brother and his idiotic friends,mom and dad, and Eli so many of him. It almost broke my heart. Him and I laughing,being stupid,hugging, just being us! I put my phone down and watch the rest of the marathon.  

NAOMI'S POV Saturday Naomi's house

The girls come over,having barged through the door screaming and running as if they were five again. I was boiling with happiness as we watch Letters to Juliet on the 45" screen The date was in two hours which leaves little time to finish the movie and get ready. "Alright its time to do this! We have about two hours to get your ass look good. Well not just your ass if you know what I mean." Dani chuckled. Dani loves cloths despite her tomboy/gothic look. 'I blamed her brother and Eli.' Charlie helped me with accessories, Paris with my hair,and I did my own make up, considering I want to,maybe, do cosmetology in my later years. In the end, I would probably bang me if I was a guy. My hot pink dress( I'm posting a picture) went to my knees, my tan legs complimenting the pretty colors. A black leather jacket looked great with the pink ' despite Dans hatred of the color' Striking hot pink pumps made a drastic change. Everything looks perfect, I feel perfect, just like a barbie. My hair was bouncy and curly, absolutely beautiful. A pink rose cling to my neck tightly, pink bangles hanged from my wrist. Pink eye shadow covered my lids, thick black eyeliner on my lash line and waterline. I don't want to look trashy, I will only wear three coats of mascara. "Naomi you mess up my jacket. I will personally make sure you never see light again." Dani stated. Dani was serious about her leather jacket. If something or someone ruin. Dani would kill. No joke. I look at the clock it was 5:30. He would be here in 30. So we gossip for awhile. I found out that Paris met a boy name Mark, who had dark skin and was very sweet. Dani actually knows him and didn't have towards him. We talk for a little while more, when the girls left at 5:50, when Cody came to pick me up. I hopped into his beautiful black mustang. We drove for 15 minutes Cody suddenly stop. Outside it was pitch black. It reminded me of a horror movie. I started to get nervous. Cody smile brightly as he got out of the car. He came to my side and open the door. As I got out, lights appeared everywhere. I gasp. Lights and daisies cover a pavilion. Lights hang off the trees. Cody grab my hand, leading me to the pavilion. There was a checker blanket with lasagna and...is that wine? I must have mad a face, because Cody laugh and said " It's just apply juice. I promise." "I knew that." I said. He laugh and motion for me to sit down, I did. He started cutting the steamy lasagna. He put some on my plant. I put some in my mouth. " Oh my god this is amazing!" I exclaim "I'm glad you like it. It took me three hours to make." he said my mouth drop. He laugh. "Point for me" we laugh "How did you know that lasagna and daisy are my favorite." I ask " Eli told me." he answer. We start to ask questions. Cody picked up the remote and music started playing. He stood and put his hand out to me. I took it. We start to dance. It was like I was on cloud nine. He spines me and dips. When I came back up his lips met mine. His lips were soft yet rough. The way our lips melt together, was perfect. I want to stay like this forever. He pulled away smiling. He put his forehead on mine. Suddenly the clock behind us stuck 12. "Well Cinderella guess the mice should get you home." he grab my hand and drove me to Dani's. As soon as the car pulled up. I saw three heads pop up. A light brown, a dark head and a blonde. Cody walk me up to the door his hand hold mine. He lead down to kiss me. Then left I walk in side, and tackled by screaming girls.

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