Louis look alike and girlfriend??

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Hey Rose here. This is my first story and this about me and my friends. I keep forget to put that in here but here it is.:

3.Louis look alike and girlfriend??

I went to the back of the class with the girl as they start asking questions. "Why is Eli in here? I didn't know he could sing can he? Dani are you ok with this?" they ask a lot more but I didn't pay any attain to it.


What happen between them? They haven't talk all summer. They usually make up by now. I still can't believe he told her he didn't want to be her friend. They were inseparable all of middle school. Everyone thought they would finally get together. We all know that dumb ass is in love with her. Expect Dani. And by we all I'm mean anyone who has met lover boy. Ohh that is one hot tomalley. Is that Louis from ONE DIRECTION!!!!??? OMFP (oh my fucking pickle.) No their in Texas right. Damn what a bummer. Ph well he's close enough. "Hey girls how do I look?" I ask " Hot. Sexy. I would so do you." they all say at the same time. I laugh " You going to talk to Louis look alike." Dani said In I own you bitch voice. " No you stupid hoe I'm going to talk to umm...," I look to see who he was talking to. He would be talking to that douchebag Eli. "I'm going to talk to my good asshole of a friend Eli of course." I say they busted out laughing "Thats why you were practically drooling." said Charlie "If I remember correctly she had a huge thing for him in seventh grade." yell Paris they laugh even harder. "Shut up you sluts." I yelled over them walking away. "Hey E! Hows it goin? I miss talking to you. Who's your friend?" I ask he just rolled his eyes "This is Cole. Cole this is Naomi." "Hi Naomi" he said. His voice is so deep. Thats sexy. "Hi Cole." I smile the sexiest smile I could. 'God his eyes are so blue. " So Noa did you just come over here to flirt with Cole? Cause I'll leave if you want." he said that ass knows me to well. " What I can't come and talk to you my friend since you haven't talk to any of your friends not even your best friend DANI!" I said he didn't make any expressions but he's eyes were sad that he didn't have Dani any more. Well it's dick heads fault. "I've been busy with my girlfriend." he said "GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! What girlfriend? Who is she?" I ask 'Who the hell would date him. He loves Dani everyone knows that.' "Sara Thomas that's who." he said 'OMF HOTDOG he didn't. Dani hate that bitch' "Your dating that whore!!!"I ask "Yea I am and she is not." "You know I felt sorry for you but now I hope Dani doesn't forgive you. I walk away. RING! They girls and me walk home I told them everything.


"I can't believe his dating her she suck a slut and I hate her!! He knows that." I said I hated that stupid bitch. Why couldn't she still some other girl's best friend. I wanted to cry but I wouldn't do that in front of them. "See you guys tomorrow." I said and ran into my house and cry for hours

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