Funnel cakes and paintball

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Chapters 10 funnel cakes and paint ball              


 After school Eli, Zoë, and I went to Zoë’s house to see her parents. Her dad is in the Military and her mom works for the government.

“Mom I’m home and I brought two monkeys with me!”

 Eli and I posed as monkeys; her dad came in and picks me up saying

“I want this one!”

Mrs. Williams laugh saying how cute Eli was and she could have him.

“Our little monkeys need a snack.”

“SNACK!” I said rushing in to their bright green kitchen to find apple slices and gold fish. I sat down at the round table waiting for Zoë and Eli they were all laughing at me but I didn’t care there was GOLD FISH!

“Still only thinks of her stomach doesn’t she?”

“Yep.” Eli and Zoë said together. We ate our snacks.

~Hi it’s Zoë she more like ate hers then most of ours. ~

*HEY get out of my POV! You’ll get your turn!*

 -Hey were in Dani’s pov…Cool. Yo Eli in the house!- 

*Leave all of you!*

 ~Shut up Cracker~

 *Leave brownie!*

 ~ You did not just call me brownie! ~

*yes I did now go*

~I'll get you later. ~ (Zoë and Eli leaves) we all talk for hours about what we did as kids. Around 10ish we had to leave. It was silent on the way up. I look up at Eli; he had his thinking face on. This looks funny like really funny. He had something he wanted to say, but I knew he would never talk about it. That was Eli for you, wants to help everyone but never wants people to know about his problems, expertly me. He never wanted me to see him sad, hurt, or worry. He is so secretive about his feelings. He uses to say we have to tell each other the truth; I follow that rule unlike him. He would know all about my problems but I would never know his. I love Eli to death and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him. But with love there comes a price.

"What's up?"

"Nothing." His voice is lower than normal which means his lying to me.

"Eli Jasper Grant I have let you get away with that for long enough! You will tell me. You always worry about me, now it's my turn."

He started laughing like a manic.

"You know that would have meant something if you were still my friend." His voice was cold, ice cold.

 I stood there shock for a moment.

"Yeah your right why da hell do I care? Your just some jerk I've consider a best friend for the last 7 years!" I said running to my house as fast as I could tears threatening to escape my eyes. As soon as I got the door open I ran upstairs to my room as tears slip out on to my face. I can’t believe I thought that everything would be ok.  I was so happy and now it’s been ripe away from me, like it was nothing at all. For the rest of the week I pretended that Eli wasn’t here, he was with me in almost every class. I was so happy it was Friday, because tomorrow was Saturday! The girls and I decided to go to the mall; I haven’t been there in forever! Charlie wants to go to the new Girlie and more Pink. Paris wants to go to the dye or dye it a hair store. Zoë wanted to go to the new “It’s not living its lovin’.” I want to go to the new buffet stuff it or fluff it! It has over 35 levels of FOOD! The all you can eat buffet. Naomi has change yet and we were all getting worried. Her parents are losing hope and Cody isn’t doing well. He lost it as few times but we were all with him and helping him. Derek took me straight home to have bonding time. Which means one of us is going to the hospital. When we got home he rush into the kitchen, grab a root beer and a regular beer. SUPER GROSS! He orders meat lovers pizza and brought down the x-box. We played for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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