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Jack went to his room and straight to sleep, while Sonny got to work. He was pretty much done when Rye came back, just some glass in the dustpan that he'd brushed up, and a splat of blood - that was particularly difficult to clean - left.

"How come you got left to clean up?" Rye asked, making Sonny turn around.

"I sent him to bed, he looked terrible," Sonny told him, his eyes widening at the state of Rye's face, "you look worse though."

"I know, he smashed a fucking glass into my face," he rolled his eyes.

"Fair enough," Sonny shook his head, "what the fuck happened?"

"Did you see the live stream? He's pissed at me," he sighed, "just as everyone started to calm down, i fuck up and put it out there for everyone. I'm an idiot."

"It's an honest mistake," Sonny shrugged, "you may have to just come out and tell people..."

"That's what i'm afraid of, but i think that's the only option," Rye sighed, grabbing the dustpan full of bloody glass to pour in the bin.


The next day, after they'd both calmed down enough to talk to each other, Jack and Rye decided to do a live stream together. They hoped their injuries - Jack's two black eyes and Rye's gashes across his face - would convince the roadies that there was nothing going on.

"Hey roadies," Rye started, "we think we owe you an explanation..."

Jack waited for him to continue but he didn't, so he spoke up, "as you might be able to tell, we uh- kinda had a bit of a fight last night after..."

Neither of them knew how to adress it.

did you really kiss or was it for show? one of the comments read, and Jack read it aloud, letting Rye take the excuse.

"Of course it wasn't real," he scoffed, "you really think me and Jack? After everything? He smashed a glass with my face last night." He examined the cuts on his face in the camera, wincing at the pain.

Jack raised a painful brow, "you're acting like you didn't break my nose."

"Oh, it won't be broken."

"You didn't see how much it bled."

"No, i was too busy picking the glass out of my cheek!"

guys stop bickering a comment came through from roadtrip, one of the boys was watching.


The stream went well, considering what had happened, and they weren't sure they'd convinced everyone but enough people believed them. Hopefully it'd die down again as a stupid bit of bullshit gossip.

The rest of the boys tried to keep Rye and Jack apart for a while, just so they'd hopefully ease off on the fighting. It didn't go unnoticed however, and Jack started to complain, "Brooook! I was gonna go get a drink," he whined.

"It can wait, i need to show you something," he said excitedly, pulling him into his room.

"You're just pulling me away from Rye," he groaned, "i need to talk to him."

"Well none of us trust you both together after last week, you both still look like you've been in the fucking wars."

Jack rolled his eyes and accepted his fate, he wasn't going to see Ryan Beaumont any time soon.

Unless he snuck into his room when they others were asleep.

He could hear the tv through the door, so he knew he was awake, and he knocked softly, whispering, "Rye?"

"Jack?" the tv stopped and he heard him get up.

"Yeah, hey," Jack chuckled as Rye opened the door, pulling him into his room.

They didn't speak another word, only a few moans got past their lips, until about two hours later. They'd had a catch up since they'd been kept apart from each other for a long week.

When they were satisfied, they lay entwined with one another until they drifted off to sleep.

Bedroom Warfare - Rack (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now