Chapter 6

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VXE Revival
It has been a couple of days since the last events. It is currently morning time. JJ walks into the living room where the rest of the kids are.
JJ: *yawn* Uhh, good morning.
Leo: Morning.
JJ walks to a hair and slumps into it.
Jane: You look tired as shit.
JJ: Because I am tired as shit.
Scott: Maybe, just maybe it was because you were up all night hanging out with Calvin.
JJ: Well…
Hunter: Yeah, I heard y’all. That TV was loud as hell.
JJ: Why the f were you listening?!
Bella: No one was listening, it was just loud as hell, I thought that was explained.
Bella sips her tea.
JJ: You didn’t have to be that sassy.
Daisy: He isn’t the only one that's tired.
Daisy stretches and cracks her back.
Daisy: I was up all night training.
Finn: Why? We trained yesterday.
Daisy: Because I haven't mastered my teleportation, and training helps.
Calvin walks into the room and yawns.
Calvin: Good morning.
JJ: Morning.
JJ sips his coffee.
Lucy: Seems like you also look tired.
Hunter: Duh, he is. Were you not listening to the conversation?
Lucy: Okay, shut up.
Elizabeth walks into the room.
Elizabeth: Okay, stop all this arguing. We have training to do. So get in your training uniforms and head to the training room.
Everyone shakes their heads and walks out of the room.
*In a Secret Facility*
A scientist comes running in the room.
Scientist: Sir!
Leader: What is it?
Scientist: I think we finally figured out a way to bring VXE back.
Leader: Will we be able to have him under our control?
Scientist: Yes, we will.
Leader: Okay, do it.
The scientist walks over to this giant machine and puts a piece of the mutated virus that was left behind by Elementor. He then turns on the machine and a humanoid starts forming.
Leader: Yes! It’s working!
After a couple of minutes, smoke comes out of the machine and it opens. VXE then walks out.
Scientist: We did it! We brought back VXE.
Leader: So tell me, how are we going to control him?
Scientist: Well, I had a chip implanted in him. Now all you have to do is tell him.
Leader: Okay.
The leader walks over to the VXE.
Leader: VXE you are now under my command.
VXE: Yes sir.
Leader: Good, the boss will be proud. Now I want you to go destroy Danger Force.
VXE then lets out a laugh. The leader and scientist look confused.
VXE: Damnit! I couldn't hold back the laugh. Did you really think you could control me? Minyak couldn’t even control me.
Leader: Oh shit!
VXE: Oh, shit indeed. But hey, you all had a good run. Right?!
Leader: Sound the alarm!
The scientist presses a button and many armed soldiers come busting through the door.
VXE: Let’s up my kill count, I guess.
VXE punches the ground and a wave of fire comes out of his fist. The fire spreads and burns everyone and everything in the room.
VXE: Maybe I went a bit too far.
VXE shrugs and snaps his fingers. Darkness appears around him and makes him disappear.

Couple Hours Later

Elizabeth and the kids are in the training room. They are reading the synopsis of what happened at a secret villain facility.
Elizabeth: That crime scene sounds brutal.
JJ: Kind of, but they were villains trying to build a secret weapon. It’s not like they didn’t deserve it.
VXE then appears next to Elizabeth.
VXE: I know, right they definitely deserved it.
Everyone screams.
VXE: Calm down, it’s me.
Scott: Who is me?
VXE then looks at himself.
VXE: Oh, right. My suit is still on.
VXE digs in his pocket and grabs a gumball which he pops in his mouth. He then blows the bubble and transforms into regular clothes
Sextuplets: Dad?!
VXE then takes his hair down.
VXE: Kind of, but not really. I'm VXE, your dad's alternate personality.
Elizabeth: Oh, yeah, I remember you. I thought you died with Tripple C.
VXE: I mean, technically I did, but I'm still somewhat a virus. So I was able to come back.
Lucy: What about our dad?
VXE: Sadly Tripple C is human so he can’t come back like I did. On the bright side though, you do have an original member of Danger Force with you all now.
Leo: Weren't you technically a vigilante?
VXE: Are you technically a bitch?!
Leo looks distraught and JJ laughs.
JJ: I know that's right!
VXE and JJ fist bump.
Elizabeth: Do you have to talk to the kids like that?
VXE: You're right, Eliza. But anyway,  I guess I'll be an extra part of the New Danger Force team. Mainly because I have nothing else better to do.
Finn: Makes sense.
VXE: So, where will I be staying?
Elizabeth: You can have the guest room.
VXE: Sounds great! Well, I'm tired, from being revived and all, I will see you all for tomorrow's training.
VXE walks out of the room.
Scott: How does he just know about training tomorrow?
Lucy: And how does he know where the guest room is?

Tomorrow Morning

VXE walks into the kitchen and stretches.
VXE: Woo! That was a nice comfortable bed, I haven't had that much relaxation in a while.
VXE makes coffee, walks into the living room, and sits down. Finn then walks up to VXE.
Finn: Um, VXE, I have a question.
VXE sips his coffee.
VXE: What’s your question?
Finn: What was it like, being dead?
Daisy: Yeah, where did you go?
VXE: Oh, dang. This is about to be a story. Everyone gather around, let me tell you.
All of the kids gather around VXE.
VXE: I might need a drink to tell this story.
VXE walks over to the fridge and puts in a code. A bottle of tequila then comes out.
Elizabeth: How did you know about that?
VXE shrugs and pours tequila into his coffee. He then takes a sip.
VXE: Oh! That's the good shit!
VXE walks back to the group.
VXE: Okay, let's get back to when we died.

One Year Ago

All of Danger Force are on a distant planet. They are all lying on the ground with open wounds that can’t be closed.
Tripple C: Uh, Minyak is completely frozen. We should be alright.
Chapa: That's good.
Chapa and Tripple C start holding hands.
Mika: I also sent Elizabeth the video.
Bose: Great, our kids will be able to carry on Danger Force.
Bose and Mika hold hands.
Miles: Is this the end?
Tripple C then switches with VXE.
VXE: Please! With those kids, the end isn't near. *cough* Damn, I didn't think a virus could die.
VXE switches back to Tripple C. Ethan then looks at Miles.
Ethan: At least we get to reunite with our wives.
Miles: Yep, I miss her.
They all start crying.
Tripple C: Let's die at peace, and leave with faith in our kids.
They all combine hands and die together.


VXE: Yeah, that's how we died. But let me tell you about what happened during death.
He takes another sip of his coffee.
VXE: Uhh! When we died we went through the judgment of our respective religions. They all went to whatever they believed in, a version of a good place like heaven. I was a non-believer so I went through universal judgment. I was sent to Purgatory. Because I was judged as not a good or bad person. I was judged as someone without a soul. So I was stuck in Purgatory, a place for the soulless. I was trapped there fighting for my life. Until everything went black and I appeared in the real world in front of the scientist.
JJ: Damn that sounds heartbreaking.
VXE: I mean it ain't that bad.
VXE then chugs the rest of his coffee.
VXE: Anyways, who's trying to train?
Elizabeth: Are you sure you're mentally stable enough to do training?
VXE: Please, I'm never mentally stable.
Bella: You know that’s not a good thing, right?
VXE: Like I was saying, who is trying to train?
JJ: I guess I will give it a go.
VXE: Good. We're going to the private training room. I need to have a conversation with JJ while we train.
VXE disappears.
Jane: How does he know where the private training room is?
Hunter: I just stopped questioning it.
JJ walks out of the room and walks to the private training room where he is greeted by VXE.
VXE: Ready?
JJ: What? Already?! No warm-up?!
VXE speeds towards JJ, clashing with him. VXE then kicks JJ in the stomach with a fire kick. JJ then lights fire in his hands and starts punching at VXE who weaves all of the punches.
VXE: Your firepower is great, but let's turn it up a notch.
VXe aura lights on fire with a golden blaze and he rushes at JJ and punches him straight in the chest. When JJ is punched a shockwave goes through his body.
JJ: Damn, how did you get so strong?!
VXE: Honestly, it's mainly from your dad. Since we shared a body we shared physical prowess. But enough about me, let's talk about you.
JJ zooms forward at VXE.
JJ: Flaming Kick!
He lights his foot on fire and tries to kick VXE but he weaves.
JJ: What do you want to know?
VXE: About you and Calvin.
JJ stops in his tracks and starts blushing.
JJ: What do you mean?
VXE then palms JJ sending him back.
VXE: Damn, I was right, you like Calvin.
JJ: How did you…
VXE: I mean you don't do well at hiding it. Also, I was told by Jane but that doesn’t really matter. You should ask him out.
JJ: But-
VXE: But what? There really shouldn't be a problem. From what I heard he seems like he likes you too.
JJ: But what if-
VXE: What? He most likely isn’t going to say no. Are you thinking about what your parents would think?
JJ: Kind of, I know their dad but never talked to them about this stuff.
VXE: First, that’s why you got me now. You can talk to me. Secondly, I know your parents would approve.
JJ: How do you know?
VXE: Me and your dad shared a body. And nigga, your dad was bi.
JJ: What?!
VXE: Yep, now ask that boy out. Also…
VXE starts charging dark energy in his right hand.
VXE: Dark Particle Wave!
The dark energy in his hand unclusters and blasts JJ, knocking him down. VXE then goes over to JJ and helps him up.
VXE: But for real, you need to ask him out. Because you need someone.
JJ: Yeah, I get it.
They both fist bump and walk to their respective rooms.
To Be Continued

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