Chapter 2

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The First Day of School
Elizabeth parks her car outside and walks into SW.A.G. She then walks to the classroom and sees everyone sitting in their seats.
Elizabeth: Okay, good, everyone is here on time. Well except Bella, where is Bella?
Everyone shakes their head.
Elizabeth: Well, um, today is you all’s first day of school, at SW.A.G. of course. So are you all ready?
JJ: Yes! We can start our training today! I’ve been waiting.
JJ’s eyes glow with excitement and fire.
Lucy: Why are you so excited?
JJ: I like training.
Leo: You just like fighting.
JJ: Who was talking to you?!
Lucy: Anyway, I'm ready.
Leo: This is going to be fun!
Hunter: So, what are we going to be doing?
Elizabeth: Well, before we start with the training we need to go over the rules.
Scott groans.
Scott: Why rules?
Jane: Let's just get through this.
Finn: Yeah, she’s right, Scott. Let’s just learn these rules.
Daisy: Then we can get to training.
Bella runs into the classroom.
Bella: Why didn't anyone wake me up?!
Everyone: Well…


Elizabeth: Okay, that is all of the rules. Did you all get them all?
Everyone: Yes.
Elizabeth: Okay, so…Leo, what are all of the rules?
Leo: Let’s see, rule 1 is “when the doorbell rings put all the hero training items up”, rule 2 is “don't tell anyone that we are Danger Force”, and the final rule is “don't let anyone know that we have powers”. Also, listen to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: That's correct
JJ: *whispering* Nerd.
Leo turns his head to JJ.
Leo: What did you say?
JJ: I said, nerd!
Leo is about to get up but Elizabeth then starts speaking.
Elizabeth: Let me introduce you all to the new Schwoz. His name is Caleb.
Caleb comes out from the other room
Caleb: I guess you can call me that, I’m just Schwoz’s son. But anyway, it’s time to start teaching you all some actual class stuff, so we are starting with Math.
Everyone: UHH!!
Everyone is about to walk away.
Elizabeth: You all stay and listen. You still need to learn school subjects. I'm going to the Man's Nest.
Elizabeth walks to the tube and goes up.

One Hour Later

Elizabeth comes down from the Man’s Nest.
Elizabeth: Everyone!
Everyone looks to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: It’s an emergency, there is a villain attack! We need to get up to the Man’s Nest!
Everyone stands up and starts panicking.
Leo: We haven't trained for this, yet!
Elizabeth: Does it matter?! Come on!
Elizabeth runs away.
JJ: Yes finally! I can’t wait to burn some villains!
JJ’s eyes glow again.
Scott: Shut your ass up, sit in your chair, and push the button!
JJ: Who do you think you are talking to?!
Scott: You, nigga!
JJ: Do you want to get fried?!
Scott: Try it!
Bella gets between the two.
Bella: You two do not need to be fighting right now. We need to get to the Man's Nest.
Daisy: She is right. Let’s go!
JJ: We are not done with this!
Scott: I know.
JJ and Scott walk away from each other.
Finn: Just sit down in your chairs.
Jane: Yeah, we need to get up to the Man’s Nest, we are taking too long.
Hunter: You all are just slow.
JJ: I know you're not talking?! You are too weak to be ordering people around.
Hunter: I would beat your ass!
JJ: You can try!
Hunter: Then let’s do it.
Lucy: First, you all need to stop cursing. Second, we need to stop arguing. Third, let's get up to the Man’s Nest.
They all then finally sit back in their chairs. They each press a button sending them up to the Man’s Nest. Elizabeth then walks next to Caleb.
Caleb: This is a drill, isn’t it?
Elizabeth: Yep.
Caleb: Makes sense.
They both wait a couple of minutes. They then walk up to the Man’s Nest. When they get up there they see all of the kids walking around panicking. Leo then walks back over to the group.
Leo: Why are we panicking?!
Bella: We can't find our gumballs!
Leo: I just found them. They are over in the cubbies over our seats.
Daisy: Why are you just now telling us this?!
Leo: Because I just found them.
Finn: Right.
Leo: Just come over here and get your canisters,
Leo throws them each their canister of gumballs. Everyone puts a gumball in their mouths and blows a bubble; this transforms them. Elizabeth then walks over to them.
Elizabeth: Okay, so… it took you all thirty minutes to get ready. Also, this was just a drill.
Leo: A drill?!
JJ: That's bullshit!
Elizabeth: Watch your mouth, But yeah, you all did terrible. But this was you all’s first time so I am not mad. We will do better next time.

2 Weeks Later

For the past two weeks, Elizabeth has been doping surprise drills.
Elizabeth: Thirty minutes, after two weeks!
Everyone has a confused look on their face.
Elizabeth: Just blow another bubble and go back to the school.
Elizabeth walks away. The kids each blow a bubble and go down to the classroom.
JJ: What are we supposed to do? We take too long to get ready for a mission.
Leo: If we keep going on this path we might not be able to go on a mission, ever.
Scott: Well, it’s JJ's fault, he always starts an argument.
Bella: It doesn't matter who is at fault. We just need to get better.
Daisy: She is right. We are supposed to be a team, so we need to act like one.
Finn: We need to work together like our parents did.
Someone then walks in.
???: Do you all really think your parents always worked together well?
Hunter: Grandpa Ray?!
Ray: Hey kids. Elizabeth told me to come by and see if I can help you all. I was going to ask what's wrong but I can already see it.
Jane: What do you mean?
Ray sits down and all of the kids look at him.
Ray: Your parents didn't always work together as well as they did.
Lucy: What?!
Ray: Yeah, when they were around your age they could barely work together, they fought a lot.
Finn: Then how did they start working together like they did?
Ray: They stopped looking at each other like rivals or just simple teammates.
Leo: How did they look at each other?
Ray: They started looking at each other like friends and family. I know six of you are family but you think of each other like rivals.
Ray looks at the sextuplets.
Ray: All nine of you need to look at each other like family, which will make you all a good, no, a great team. Now, keep that with you. I'm going to go back home
Ray gets up and hugs all of the kids he then leaves. The kids are thinking about what he said until they hear the alarm go off.
Elizabeth comes running down the stairs.
Elizabeth: This is not a drill, this is a real alert!
All of the kids take a breath and remember what Ray said. They all nod their heads and sit straight in their chairs. They then push the button on their chairs which sends them up to the Man’s Nest. Elizabeth is running to the tubes.
Elizabeth: Caleb, get on the coms!
Caleb: Got it!
Elizabeth makes it to the tubes and starts going up. As she is going up the tube she starts to think to herself about the chaos she’s going to walk into when she gets upstairs. When she gets up there she sees no chaos.
Elizabeth: Well, umm, everyone blow a bubble
Everyone: We were waiting for you.
Elizabeth: Okay, still come on.
They all grab their canisters and pop a gumball in their mouths. They then blow a bubble which transforms them. Daisy grabs everyone and teleports to the bank. When they get there they see robbers.
A Robber: Captain Woman, we were expecting you, but not them. Who is your crew?
Captain Woman: They are the new Danger Force!
Robber: Oh, that’s nice but…
All of the robbers point their guns at Danger Force.
Robber: Can they take bullets?!
Captain Women: Wait guys watch out!
Lucy runs in front of the group and makes an ice wall that blocks all of the bullets
Lucy: Woo, glad that worked.
Captain Women: All right, let's do this then.
JJ: Incinerate!
JJ blasts fire out of his hands and melts through the ice, the fire is then coming for the robbers.
Robber: Everyone, scatter!!
All of the robbers head for the door. Daisy teleports in front of them.
Daisy: Y'all aren't going anywhere.
Scott then comes flying at the robbers
Scott: Rock Kick!
Rock appears on Scott’s leg. The robbers start shooting bullets at Scott. Leo runs in and lets out a sonic scream that blasts away the bullets.
Leo: You thought!
Scott lands his kick which hits a robber. The robber falls into the other robbers causing the robbers to fall.
Hunter: Air Cannon!
Before the robbers land on the ground Hunter shoots a giant air wave which sends all of the robbers toward Bella.
Bella: Fall.
A wave of purple energy comes off of Bella hitting the robbers making them blast into the ground.
Jane: And finally it's time to sleep.
Jane touches the robbers and yellow and red lightning and electricity come from her hand, this knocks the robbers out. Finn then swings his arms back and stretches them forward. Scott makes a metal chain and gives it to Finn. Finn wraps the robbers together with one hand and then wraps the chain around them with the chain. Captain Woman then has a look of surprise on her face.
Captain Woman: You all did so well. I am so proud.
All of the kids have a look of joy on their faces. Daisy grabs the robbers and teleports them to the jailhouse. She teleports back and grabs the team and teleports.
*At The Man's Nest*
They all blow a bubble and transform back to their regular clothing.
Elizabeth: You all did very well. What did my dad tell you all?
Finn: He really just told us to work better together, and be more like our parents.
Elizabeth: He did great. Y'all worked way better, I am proud.
To Be Continued

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