Chapter 7

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Duo Training
It has been a couple of days since the last chapter. It is the morning and all of the kids are in the living room. Elizabeth and Caleb then walk in.
Elizabeth: Good Morning, students!
All: Good Morning!
Elizabeth: Today, we have a training simulation to do.
Calvin: Great, my first training simulation with everyone.
Elizabeth: Oh, yeah it is your first training simulation with the team.
JJ: Anyway, this is another chance for me to show everyone how I'm better than them.
Leo: You are not better than me!
JJ: So did you forget how I fried you like burned chicken the other day?
Leo: You won't do that again!
JJ: You want to see?!
Leo and JJ both stand up and get in each other’s faces.
Jane: Fight! Fight! Fight!
Hunter: Do you ever not instigate?
Jane: Instigating is fun.
Bella: Do you two ever not fight?
Lucy: Yeah, can we get one day of peace?
JJ: Well, tell this bitch to know his place!
Leo: Who are you talking to?!
JJ: You bitch!
Calvin: Why do you two argue so much in the first place?
Daisy: We all don't know why they stay arguing.
Scott: This happens every day.
Finn: Every time they are in a room together they end up arguing.
Leo: Mainly because he talks like he's better than everyone.
JJ: Well, I am better than everyone here, except Bella. But Bella doesn’t really count.
Bella: F you.
JJ then looks down at Leo.
JJ: And you aren't comparable to me.
Elizabeth: Can you two stop arguing, so that I can finish what I was saying?!
JJ and Leo: Yes Ma'am.
They both sit down in their seats.
Elizabeth: Like I was saying, the training simulation we have today is what I call Duo Training. You all will be split into duos and will have to steal the mask of the other duos. Whichever duo has the most mask by the end of the thirty minutes wins.
Leo: So what are the Duos?
Caleb then pulls out a chart.
Caleb: I have the duos. They were made by VXE.
Leo: Of course.
Caleb: The first duo is JJ and Calvin.
JJ and Calvin fist bump.
JJ and Calvin: Let's go!!
Caleb: The second duo is Bella and Leo.
Bella: That's fine.
Leo: Yeah, we're coming for you JJ!
JJ: Only because you are about to get carried.
Caleb: The third duo is Daisy and Hunter.
Hunter: Seems cool.
Daisy: Yeah it is!
Caleb: The fourth duo is Jane and Finn.
Jane: I'm teaming up with Stretchy Boy, I can do that.
Finn: Yeah, we can!
Caleb: The final duo is Lucy and Scott.
Lucy and Scott: Water and Earth duo!
Lucy and Scott fist bump.
Elizabeth: Now that we have the teams you all will be separated throughout an area. You all have to find the locations of the other duos to steal the mask. So go get your canisters, blow your bubbles, and go to the chairs in the Man’s Nest. They will take you to the area.
All: Got it!
They all head up to the Man’s Nest and grab their canisters. They each put a gumball in their mouths and blow a bubble which transforms them into their hero suits. They then sit in their respective chairs and press a button that sends them through tubes that take them to their part of the area.
*With JJ and Calvin*
JJ and Calvin land in the far part of the area’s forest.
Calvin: So what's the plan?
JJ: Plan? There is no plan, we just go and take the masks.
Calvin: This is why everything gets messed up.
JJ: What is that supposed to mean?
Calvin: We need a plan.
JJ: Fine! If you want a plan so bad here’s a plan: We should go for Bella and Leo first. The reason I say that is because taking Bella out first is a good solution since she has many different abilities that come with Galactic and that makes her the strongest person here.
Calvin: So she is the most dangerous?
JJ: Yeah, also be on the lookout for Jane, she is fast as hell. She will try to take our masks when we are not looking.
Calvin: Okay, now the main question. How are we going to find out where everyone is at?
JJ: A sensing tactic that I learned from my dad. It has to do with chi.
Calvin: Can you explain it to me?
JJ: Sure.
*In the Spectators Lounge*
VXE comes in with money in his hand.
VXE: Sorry I'm late, I was getting some well-needed sleep.
Elizabeth: You are good.
Elizabeth then sees the money in VXE’s hand.
Elizabeth: Where did you get money from and what is it for?
VXE: Where I got it from doesn’t matter. The reason I have it does matter. I have it because I want to bet that JJ and Calvin will win the training.
VXE walks over to his seat and sits down Caleb passes him some popcorn.
VXE: Thanks.
Elizabeth then takes out money.
Elizabeth: I got my money from Jane and Finn.
VXE: Seems like you are fun.
Both VXE and Elizabeth hand
VXE: So catch me up. How is it going so far?
Elizabeth: Well, everyone has landed, and from what I can see JJ is about to teach Calvin about Kankaku.
VXE: I haven't heard of Kankaku in years.
Caleb: What exactly is “Kankaku"?
VXE: Well, Kankaku combines chi and aura. When you combine those with your five senses you gain a sixth sense which allows you to sense people's aura.
Caleb: So he will be able to know their location.
VXE: Yeah, unless the opponent knew how to hide their aura. But as far as I know, no one on the field knows how to hide their aura. So JJ does have a bit of an advantage.
Elizabeth: He does but that doesn't mean he's going to win easily.
Caleb: Especially since he's going after Bella first.
VXE: True, but you got to admit, going after the strongest is a good idea since she could take everyone's masks first.
Elizabeth: Could be a good idea or backfire if you don’t have a good plan.
*On The Field*
JJ and Calvin are traveling through the forest making their way to Bella and Leo. Hunter and Daisy are closely behind Lucy and Scott who are walking around looking for other duos. Jane and Finn are in the trees waiting for their perfect time to strike. JJ and Calvin keep running until they make it to the giant space in the forest. Bella and Leo then come out of the opposite side of the forest.
Bella: I knew you all would come to find us.
Leo: Since we were also after you two it was a great plan. It’s also great that we led you all to an open space so there will be no hiding.
JJ: Stop all that yapping and we wouldn’t hide anyway.
Leo makes a blade out of blue energy and sonic energy starts flaring around it. Purple energy then starts flaring around and through Bella's body.
JJ: Well this didn't go as planned.
JJ lights his aura on fire.
Calvin: Yeah I can see that.
Leo then claps his hands and puts his arms out straight forming a cross.
Calvin: Equivalent Exchange - First Stage!
His aura starts flaring with blue and gold energy.
JJ: What did you just do?
*In the Spectators Lounge*
Elizabeth then jumps out of her seat.
Elizabeth: When did he learn about that?!
Caleb: What happened?!
Elizabeth: He's using Equivalent Exchange, it is an ability I discovered after the first couple of years I had Indestructibility.
VXE: Explain.
Elizabeth: Well, we learned that every time Indestructibility is passed on it becomes stronger. When it was passed on to me I discovered the ability that I coined "Equivalent Exchange".
Caleb: What does it do?
Elizabeth: Basically, if I sacrifice some of my indestructibility it will increase my other physical abilities. When I stop using the ability I will gain my indestructibility back, but depending on the amount of indestructibility I use is how long it takes to gain that indestructibility back.
VXE: Okay, the ability doesn’t sound that dangerous. Why did you have so much worry in your voice?
Elizabeth: Because the ability is hard to control when you first learn about it. So if he overuses it then he wouldn't be indestructible for a good bit of time and a lot could hurt him in that bit of time.
Caleb: I wouldn't worry. I don't think Calvin would use it if he didn't know what he was doing.
Elizabeth then sits back down.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I guess you're right.
*On The Field*
Calvin rushes at super speeds towards Leo.
Leo: What the?!
Calvin then reaches the front of Leo.
Calvin: Osaka Crash!
He cocks his fist back to bring in more strength and wind pressure. He then punches at Leo who makes a shield of sound that blocks the punch. The shield sends the strength and wind pressure back at Calvin blasting him back. Calvin lands on his feet.
JJ: Well, I guess it's my turn then. Run them paws, Bella!
Bella: Come on then!
She shoots a beam of galactic energy at JJ who dodges the beam. JJ’s aura then turns into a gate of fire.
JJ: Hell's First Gate: True Devil's Flaming Chariot!
He charges a red ball in his hand and shoots out a beam of fire at Bella.
Bella: Shield.
She makes a shield of galactic energy that blocks the fire beam. The two then rush at each other and start fighting. Back over with Leo and Calvin, Calvin is weaving all of the slashes from Leo. Calvin then grabs Leo and jumps in the air.
Calvin: Tokyo Crash!
He spins Leo around making a tornado of wind and pressure around them. Calvin then throws Leo further into the air. He then jumps off the air and reaches a point higher than Leo.
Calvin: Nagoya Crash!
His leg charges with kinetic energy and turns gold. He then kicks Leo into the ground making a crater and a shockwave.
Leo: AHH!! (He's too fast) Sonic Pulse!
As Calvin is falling from the sky he gets hit by a giant blast of sound from Leo. This sends Calvin blasting into the forest.
Leo: Woo! He's gone.
Calvin comes back zooming out of the forest.
Leo: No!
As Calvin is speeding toward Calvin he cocks back his arm pulling in a lot of strength, wind, and pressure. His arm then glows gold.
Calvin: Hamamatsu Osaka Crash!
He punches Leo in the face making a giant shockwave that sends Leo flying into the forest, knocked out. Calvin then lets out a huge breath.
Calvin: Woo!! Let's go!
Calvin runs over to Leo and takes his mask. Back to Bella and JJ, they both are flying in the air and  Bella is winning the fight.
JJ: Damn! 8th Gate: Skulls of Satan!
Eight gates of fire form around JJ. He then makes multiple dark red skulls made of fire. He then sends the skulls to Bella. Bella's aura turns white as she starts charging energy.
Bella: Purified Star Light: Beam of the Space Queen!!
Bella sends a giant beam in the shape of a star at JJ. The two attacks hit, making a giant explosion of burning and star energy. The explosion hits both of them which sends them both falling out of the sky, knocked out. Calvin then super jumps into the air and grabs JJ. Bella falls to the ground. Calvin lands on the ground with JJ in hand.
Calvin: Come on, wake up.
He puts his hand on JJ and sends a pulse of energy throughout JJ's body which wakes him up.
JJ: Woo!!! Did we both get knocked out?
Calvin: Yep.
JJ gets off the ground. JJ and Calvin then both walk over to Bella and take her mask. This makes their total count of masks four, but in that same moment, Jane speeds in and takes Calvin's mask.
Jane: Wow, are you missing this?
She smirks while flaunting the mask in her hand.
Calvin: How the?!
JJ: I told you, she’s fast.
Jane: Don’t forget sneaky.
JJ then senses a fist heading for him and he catches it. He then looks at the long arm and fist.
JJ: Finn?
He then pulls Finn forward, knees him in his stomach, and throws him at Jane who catches him.
JJ: That was a close one.
Calvin: You think.
Daisy and Hunter teleport in.
Daisy: Did you think we weren't here?
Hunter: I’m guessing they did.
Scott and Lucy come in behind them. Lucy tries to freeze Daisy but Hunter blasts her away with wind.
Hunter: Don’t even try.
A bright shining light of purple energy then flares from Bella's body, this wakes her up.
JJ: How?!
Bella then sends a wave of energy through the ground. The wave hits Leo's body, which wakes him up. Leo then runs over to Leo
Leo: Seems like everybody’s here. Huh?!!
JJ: Let's do this. Hell's Final Gate: Satan's Arrival!
A fire demon starts to form behind JJ.
Bella: Galaxy Cannon!
She starts charging a shining purple energy beam into her hands.
Leo: Dual Power: Energy Splice!
He raises his blade and it lights with blue and gray energy.
Calvin: Saitama Crash!
He gets into a jetting stance and charges a straight-aimed punch in his right hand.
Daisy: Kinetic Release!
She starts charging a ball of kinetic energy in her hand.
Hunter: Cutting Tornado!
He starts generating a giant sharp tornado.
Scott: Earth Rise!
He stumps on the ground and brings up pillars of rock.
Lucy: Frozen Solid!
The ground below her starts to freeze and a giant ice ball starts to form.
Finn: True Stretching Strength: World Crack!
He stretches back his arm.
Jane: True Electric Implosion!
She starts generating yellow and red lighting and electricity. Right before they all unleash their attacks the alarm rings.
Elizabeth: The thirty minutes are up! Come back to the Man's Nest to be told who the winners are.
They all stop their attacks. Ten chairs then form in the middle of the area and they all sit in their respective chairs. They each push a button which sends them into tubes.
*In The Man's Nest*
They all make it to the Man’s Nest. They all get out of their seats.
VXE: That was a great training session!
Elizabeth: I agree, but it's time for me to tell you all the winners. There is a tie between Jane/Finn and JJ/Calvin.
The Four: HOW?!
Elizabeth: Because counting the mask you already had on your face JJ kept his mask and he and Calvin took 2 masks their total is 3. Jane and Finn both had their mask and Jane took Calvin's mask making their total 3. So it's a tie.
JJ: Damnit!
Jane: At least Leo didn’t win.
JJ: True.
Jane and JJ fist bump.
Leo: What did I do to you all?
VXE turns to Caleb and Elizabeth.
VXE: So since they tied I get my money back.
Caleb is about to hand VXE his money back but Elizabeth grabs it.
Elizabeth: Yeah, no. You stole this money.
Elizabeth walks off.
VXE: I stole it from villains, that barely counts.
VXE stumps off. The kids then head to their rooms. Before Calvin makes it to his room he is stopped by JJ.
JJ: Hey, Calvin.
Calvin: Yeah?
JJ: You did well out there, you carried me really.
Calvin: Yeah, both literally and figuratively.
Both Calvin and JJ laugh.
JJ: Yeah, umm are you trying to hang out? Maybe watch a movie in my room or something?
Calvin: Sure, I would love to.
They both go into JJ's room and watch movies for the rest of the day.
To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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