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(the top is my art!! my art account is @boogkaat on Instagram!)

I heard the sound of a door closing, although no sound of the clunk of the lock, locking. i was curled up on the corner of the sofa, my body ached from sleeping in an odd position.

confused, the television was turned off, even though I fell asleep with it on. the fogginess cleared up in my mind and remembered that Frank stayed over last night. i rolled my eyes at the thought of him, he was smug and stuck up, why did I let him sleep over??

i stretched out, bones and joints cracking and looked at the clock- 5:26AM. I don't have another two hours until I have to go to work. i had a small job at the record shop down the road. it was Monday morning, and the sun was just finishing rising.

sitting up, I see a few crumbs on the coffee table, and a note.

thank you for your hospitality, I hope you don't mind that I made toast for myself, I was running late for work. I'll see you soon

hes nice I guess.
i lean over to grab my phone- the screen still smashed. I need to go get that fixed but I'm broke as fuck.
setting an alarm on my phone to 7:00am, I quickly shut it off and grab the throw blanket on the footstool opposite me, wrap it around myself, and crash on the sofa once again.
I jerk awake at the tear-jerking noise of the standard Apple alarm- seven already?
sleep felt miniscule, as if I just blinked. my dreams were as if they were mixed up pieces of a puzzle, trying to piece it all back together but somehow someone mixed two boxes of puzzles together. I dreamed of a very familiar figure though- quite unsure of how to think of that.

hopping in for a brisk shower, I turn on my Spotify playlist that I've been listening to every mundane morning for a month now, listening to the same songs over and over start to become like revising for an exam. I really just need new music.

with damp wet hair and hair dye stains all over the faded white towels, I haphazardly put together an outfit with one hand, grasping at the clothes, pulling them off the hangers, while clutching the towel covering me.

getting ready feels like a blink. I suddenly come out of the dozy haze my head has been in for the past 2 hours getting ready and find myself trapseing down to work. the sun is beating down on a hot August day and I find my eyes drawn to a certain person crossing paths with me.

he's wearing Burberry trousers, the ones with the grey stripe down the legs, a loose-fit black dress shirt with the top button undone, and a very sharp looking jacket from lords and fools. overall, very expensive taste for a quick walk down the street.

he looks up and beams a smile. his hair isn't styled and looks floppy.

shit, I know those crimson eyes anywhere.

hi all I'm so so sorry for not updating for a year and a half- I lost interest in the character and franchise for ages, then my interest peaked in 2021 in the summer and that was when I started this chapter again! I've only just gotten round to finish it.
I have no plan for this story at all. I'm basically just pulling it all out of my ass right now, so please let me know what would you like to see from this story!

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