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the way he looked was.. different? he was in a totally different light from his usual very smart business suit and sculpted hair. I don't know how to feel about it- no feelings are negative though.

he looks oddly happy to see me, well, he did stay at mine last night, not really sure why I did that to be honest, I never have people over so it's completely out of character for me.

"hey, y/n! thank you for letting me stay over last night. it was nice to have company for the first time in a while." he beams.
I feel a small heat on my face, no.. it's hot out, I just feel warm- not only on the outside but on the inside too I guess.

"it's really no problem." I monotonously say. I can't really be bothered to talk right now.

"you can stay over anytime you like" the words just slip out of my mouth.
ah shit
why did I say that?
I say the darndest things when I'm on autopilot.

he looked happy with the offer, eyes widened for a split second, almost surprised that I had said that. ugh... why did I say that. I bet im gonna get him rapping on my door at the early hours.

"oh my goodness, you're too kind y/n." his honeyed words spoke.

I winced mentally at his gratitude,   I need to shift this conversation to a close..

"ah, well.. I'm late for work, you know. I'll see you around-"
"why don't we get a bite to eat after your shift? what time do you finish?"

taken aback by his offer, my mind questions his intentions. date? no.. unsure. he's just being kind.. that's all.

"oh, uh.. sure? I finish at 6:30 in the afternoon... I really gotta go. I'll see you later!"
I see a last glimpse of his face before turning around and leaving him on his own. he looked very happy for some reason.

for Christ's sake, look what I've gotten myself into. I really didn't want to do this.

ENIGMA / Frank Subway surfers Where stories live. Discover now