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waking up, I quickly remember the conversation from last night. was tricky serious or was she just playing around?
honestly, I think she's being serious, and the thing is with tricky, is that she is almost always right.
but what do I do though??

I get out of bed and make myself a cup of coffee, then go to message the group chat.

     subway surfers
we doing anything today?

maybe the usual?? idk man but I am bored 💔

maybe we could go to Mully's and just see what the day has for us?

bit poetic

but sure lol


yutani it's 3pm

actually I can't say anything I woke up an hour ago

can we go out now? I'm already ready

hold up I'm still in pyjamas



jeez wtf get dressed

I shut off my phone and decided to hop in the shower, playing the album 1000 gecs, and it woke me up a lot

getting dressed, I put on a baggy Ramones top and black mom jeans, with converse.
I use my Jean chain as a necklace and grab my board to head out, I get a text.

ay dude do u wanna go and do sm today

callum is one of my closes friends, we've known eachother for, basically life, we met at the age of 3 in preschool and we haven't separated since, he's my partner in crime basically.

I'm hanging with the usual lot but it'll be great if u can come along !

aight I'll text em

unlocking the door, running then jumping on my board, I head to Callum's house.

once I'm there, I knock on the door and I am quickly engulfed in a hug by him, it caught me off guard but was comforting since I hadn't seen him in a month.

he's like that best friend you dont see often but when you do it's great.

"it's SOO good to see you y/n!" he exclaimed, a big toothy grin on his face, except less toothy and more grin.

I smile, "you too dude! I haven't seen you in forever!"

Callum got out his skateboard from the garage, it was pink and black checkerboard with safety pins and spikes. it had the word "PUNK" in a scratchy font

"where are we off to?" he asked

"Skate Heaven, Mullys, then were at the skate park." I reply


we both push off on our boards, it was chilly, and the sky had dark clouds.
as we were cruising, I checked the weather on my phone. it said that it was supposed to rain at 9pm, so I guess we're gonna have an early night back.

once Callum and I arrived at Mully's, I lead him to our usual booth, being welcomed with loads of "hey!"s and "hi!"s from the rest that were already there, and we sat down, it was a squish due to there being already tricky and yutani on there, so Callum went and sat next to Jake and fresh.

we had quickly ordered from the robot, and were patiently waiting for the food. Callum was drawing on Jake's arm as a fake tattoo, Yutani was once again endorsed in her science formulas.

"hey Tani, why don't you take a break? it's the weekend, you're supposed to be away from all the boring work!" I tell her, Yutani was studying physics and chemistry in college.

she looks up at me, "who said I find this boring? I'm enjoying myself very well thank you!" I giggle, and she swiftly gets back to writing formulas.

I look up from the booth and see a guy, he had slightly tan skin, caramel, slicked back hair, he has a sharp jawline, wore dark aviator sunglasses, and I couldn't help but notice he was in very fancy business uniform, a dark suit and red tie, and held a mask in the crook of his elbow- wait a minute-

Tricky speaks up, quickly distracting me. "Hey Callum, did you shave your head?"

callum looked up from Jake's arm and laughed. "yeah, I did it to complete the full punk look, I thought normal hair was boring and I wanted to be different, my mother wasn't happy about it though, whatever, I don't live with her anymore anyways!"

she seemed satisfied with the answer she got. "ah, that's cool! I think it looks great!"

he grinned wide, showing his gappy smile, to be honest he was a really great guy.

-time skip to going home because idk what else to put-

walking home, I was talking with Callum.
the rain was bucketing it down, so my phone didn't lie, we didn't bring anything to shelter so we were using our boards, which was great until we realised it might get the trucks rusty.

"aye, I'm gonna head off, I hope you get back soon, I know a shortcut back to my house. I'll see you soon kid"
I give him a big hug goodbye, and he runs off.
I don't know how he isn't cold in that kilt.

I stop outside of the corner shop, realising the house needs to be stocked up, all I was eating was toast, and I was also low on bread.

I go in, running my hands through my soaking wet hair, I picked up a basket and scanned the aisles for anything I thought I needed or just for snacks. I also picked up a package of pads and tampons.

Frank POV
wait- wait a minute... is that her?

she was browsing the sweets aisle, absentmindedly picking up packets of things and placing them in the overflowing basket.

should I approach her? she left me on read last night and I don't blame her to be honest, I was being a bit of a douchebag.
y/n POV
out of the corner of my eye, I see a tall figure approaching me.
he was wearing a smart business uniform, had black gloves, caramel hair and- holy shit!

"y/n! hello!"

"oh.. hello..!"
okay jshdkshs hello
can someone pls give me ideas for what could happen next in this story? I'm really pulling this out of my ass to be honest lol
also if there are spelling mistakes im sorry I don't proofread my chapters and I need to start doing it lol
just tell me if something seems off

okay ba bye

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