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sitting in my bedroom, thinking, "what the fuck?"
he wouldn't leave my mind, why was he down there? what was he doing? why did he give me my phone back? why did he seem flustered? why was my phone signed in when he gave it back?

why is there a number I don't know in my contacts?

I get out of bed and fetch my phone, which was charging on the opposite side of the room. it was on 82%.
I yank out the charger and jump back on my bed. opening up messages and "New Conversation"
I scroll to find the unknown number, and click on it.

Hello? who is this? the number was randomly in my phone.

I press send and place my phone on my bedside table, turning my speaker to a low volume and going to sleep. it was 4 AM after all.



I awoke to my phone going off. picking it up and checking the time, it was 7am.
I usually get up later, since it's a Saturday.
rubbing my eyes, the light of my phone obscures my sight. I check my notifs, I have snaps from Jake, and Yutani, I open them and it's just replies from something I said earlier.
the others were just from Instagram or Twitter, but the one that caught my eye were from just now.

(unknown number)
hello. this is the person you saw last night. I gave you back your phone, is it okay? if there are any cracks I can pay for them to have them fixed.

(unknown number)
although I need to ask you. how much did you see?

I was muddled at this. what did he mean?

what do you mean? I didn't see anything. all I saw was you looking at me because I dropped my board down the stairs. I didn't see what you were up to. I promise you.


(unknown number)

(unknown number)
I'll let you go.

okay. I guess I'll see you around.
read: 7:52

i still have so many questions. why was he even down there???
I guess it's none of my business, but why did he put his number into my phone?

-time skip-

we were at the skate park, and I was thinking of someone to tell about the guy in the mask. Jake was a loud mouth and couldn't keep a secret if he tried, Fresh would keep it for a month but then would talk about it in a group discussion. Yutani tells EVERYTHING to her dad so I guess, Tricky it is.

"Hey Tricky! I'm gonna head to the toilet at Mully's, do you wanna come?"                           
"sure!" Tricky hopped off her board and popped it up, then ran towards me.

we made it up to Mully's, then went through the booths to the dingy toilets in the back.

"okay, I actually don't need to go, but I need to tell you something that's happened last night and it's been bugging me."

"Oh?" she said with concern.

"so, when you guys went last night, I was walking back from the subway, and I had accidentally kicked my board down to the lower floor, so I went down and chased after it, and when I had grabbed my board, there was this guy in a.. mask? the mask looked like a bunny and he was in a very smart suit, he was staring at me because of all the noise I made coming down the stairs. I ran back upstairs, without knowing that i had dropped my phone from my hoodie pocket, and after he came and brought it back for me?
and do you know what's weird, the phone was signed in and I had a new contact, so I texted it later in the night, and it was him!"

I was out of breath from explaining.

"well, I have an idea to why he put his number in your phone." Tricky stated.


"I have a feeling he likes you."

my eyes widened and I did a harsh laugh
"how could he like me from just a look at my face?"

"you know what I'm like!" she explained
"I see a pretty girl in the streets and I wanna get to know her! I think... he wants to get to know you."

"are you serious?" I ask

"yeah! what do you think? even tho you can't see his face, you had a thing for Anonymous a couple months ago!"

I let out another harsh laugh, she was priceless!

"oh my god don't even remind me, but... yeah I guess you could say I haven't stopped thinking about him since, but I thought it was just from confusion."

"oh god y/n, you were practically blushing when you described him! you totally like him!"

oh god, was this true?

"but can I be honest?" I asked Tricky


"he was kinda cute"

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