Chapter 10

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•Calipso POV

Jaz walks into Jacksons room with a bucket of cookie dough icecream.

"please dont tell me you have been in his room the whole time have you? I mean seriously go home and shower or have you been using his shower and the clothes you stash here at his house?"

I nodded my head and turned off the tv that was on netflix.

"His parents trust me with the house since the four of them went to Hawaii for the week. So i have been here for the whole time just sitting on his bed watching netflix till you showed up right now."

She shook her head at me, I gave her a weird look.

"Wait how did you get in i thought i locked his bedroom door."

She smiled wickedly at me. Then spoke up.

"Well my dear friend you didnt lock the house door which led me to walk up the stairs and since im in his room it means you didnt lock this door either."

I just gave her a look like really cmon now.

"So what are you doing here Jaz. I thought you were going to go to your boyfriends house and chill with whats his face."

She glared at me before she spoke up.

"The whats his face's name is Harley. Learn his name for once I mean seriously youve known him for like what six years now and you still dont know his name. But thats beside the point cause you my friend are going out with me today using Jackson's 1967 grey impala."

My eyes shot up at her with fear.

"Are you crazy? If he finds out i used his car he will personally beat my insides until i puke them out."

She started laughing.

"He wont find out trust me and out of the both of us your a better stick shift driver than i am so i mean cmon have some fun and get out of this depressed state. For me pleeeeeeeassse."

She kept begging while i thought about then i finally shook my head yes and she went straight towards the closet to pick me out a cute outfit.

"Here put this dress on. You havent worn it since like last year at the fair. Im sure it still fits you."

She threw me the dress and a pair of high top converse, then i wuickly got dressed and grabbed Jacksons keys and we were off.

" i hope you remember to put the icecream in the freezer of else your eating it by yourself, just saying."

She just flipped me off and i started to laugh. Bat Country came on the radio and Jaz turned it up along with the bass and we both started to sing along at the top of our lungs.

"Dude are you guys like together after what happened or not, cause i would like full rights to kick his ass if not."

I started to tear up but i quickly tried to push them back. Key word there tried.

"Uh he said that we were but he wasnt talking to me throught this whole week so maybe when he comes back we might talk."

I couldnt help it i let the tears flow freely down my cheeks and Jaz was quick to notice that.

"Hey pull over its not safe for you to drive while crying."

So i did. Just as im about to turn right a black truck came crashing into us and sent us rolling who knows how many times around until we hit a pole and the pole hit my side.

"Oh my gosh stay awake Cali im calling 9-1-1."

Thats all i remember before i felt blood everywhere and i knocked out.

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