Chapter 11: Leather & Lavender

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"I can't believe it! You're...Dragonborn!"

Rebecca's hands were trembling. Strangely, she felt strong, as though she had gained a power that couldn't be stolen. But still, her body was weak from a day filled with fighting and fire. It was an effort just to stand up – one of the guards ran forward to help her to her feet.

"What you did back there, that was shouting." he told her. Rebecca could see the whites of his eyes through the slits of his helmet. He looked as though he couldn't decide whether he was afeared or in awe of her. She saw much the same expression in the eyes of her companions, who stood amongst the guards.

"My grandfather used to tell stories..."

"Never in all my years!"

"Can it really be true?"

Rebecca retrieved her sword while the guards started to babble. Irileth was glaring at her with a look of deep distrust that made her heart sink. Contrary to the game, becoming the Dovahkiin felt much weightier in reality, and she began to wonder if everyone would be as scared or suspicious of her powers as this lot.

"Come on." she murmured, gesturing for T'ariq and Felix to follow her as she turned to head back to Whiterun, leaving the colossal skeleton of the dragon behind. It seemed that the two men had exhausted their capacity for oddity that day, as for once they had nothing to say, and no penetrating questions to ask. Rebecca was grateful, as the first stars began to appear on the horizon and her mind filled with dreams of a straw-filled bed and a plump pillow.

"Dragonborn, wait!"

The company stopped and turned on the path to see a single Whiterun guard jogging up to them. As he neared, he took off his helmet and dropped it on the ground, revealing a shock of platinum blonde hair tied back in a low ponytail, and several stripes of white war paint along his jawline, rising like snowy claw marks against his stubble. A couple of them ran over onto his lower lip, and had been smudged in all the fighting. He kneeled before Rebecca as he approached, almost making her laugh aloud in shock. Was this fool proposing?

"If you will have me, I pledge myself to your service," he panted, one hand on his heart and the other on the hilt of his greatsword, which was stuck into the ground by his side. "I will protect you with my life, and fight in every battle you choose to take, in defense or aggression. I swear my sword by your side."

Felix stepped forward, squaring his shoulders.

"Spot's taken, buddy." he growled. Rebecca pushed him to the side, an amused smile pulling at her lips. She cocked her head to the side as she considered the guard in front of her. He seemed brave, he was broad shouldered, and even through his chainmail she could tell that he was well-muscled. And, she thought to herself, they could certainly use an extra pair of arms in battle while she learnt how to fight.

Rebecca shrugged. Having made up her mind, she beckoned the man with a wave before turning around to continue their path back to Whiterun. "Sure, you can tag along."

The man cast a glance at T'ariq and Felix before getting awkwardly to his feet and following. He left his helmet behind on the pavement, not looking back as he jogged to catch up with Rebecca.

"I'm Angmar, by the way." he informed her, swinging his greatsword effortlessly back over his shoulder. Rebecca cast a glance at his deep blue eyes and gave him a half-smile.

"Rebecca." She almost gave him her hand to shake, before remembering that English etiquette was likely totally foreign to this hardy Nord.

Angmar smiled back. "Can I ask where you're from?"

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