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I sat in my room brushing my hair. yesterdays events long forgotten. A few times a week I tried to get together and eat breakfast with the elders before i start my day. I had really transformed the royal mansion. There was a dinning room with a really long table that screamed of wealth. the servants would prepare breakfast and the elders would eat there every morning. I skipped out on breakfast a lot. but after too many times in a row they'd drag me away from whatever i'm doing to come eat with them.

They understood that i was a busy person and had things to do but didn't let me carry on too long with bad habits that would result in poor health. I have to admit. They've come a long way as a whole. I used to hate the elders. Shit everything about them made me want to crawl in a whole while growing up. But now that im in a position to lead like they once were and the elders before them i understand the tension and the desire to restore what once was of Lunar. 

i'm sure they were overwhelmed and tired. shit lunar had been doomed long before they were the royal pack in charge. i just wish they would have did things differently maybe i would have had such a horrible up bringing if they did. Maybe the guys wouldn't have been too scared to come back.

But whats done is done.

sighing i put the brush away and stood up to leave my room when i heard a knock. opening the door there stood a servant.

Servant: good morning Ma'am Theres been activity at the gate.

i looked at him confused.

Me: hmm?? i wasn't aware of any visit. Nor have I've giving access to anyone. 

the gate is the wall dividing us from other provinces. A "border" if you will. It's mainly how wolfs travel from to the capital or to visit other provinces.

The outside world... or humans for that matter visit our provinces if granted rights to visitation, Through open landscape and back routes. Not all provinces accept the idea of welcoming humans. 

We've co-exist along side of humans for many generations. But it wasn't always like that. Some wolfs still don't see a reason to trust them and prefer to live separately. Including my parents for that matter. very old fashion. That is why the capital was founded and the provinces were made. 

Humans who wish to live in the provinces has to be granted citizenship by each provinces rulers... or "royal pack".

the servant bowed.

Servant: yes ma'am, they appear to be from the capital, Guards who state they're here on duty. 

i nodded. 

It was only a matter of time before the capital came by and did their rounds to check the place out to see just how far i've pulled Lunar out of the dumps.

Me: i see.. and when will they arrived.

The gate was a small ways from the royal mansion.

Servant: they should arrive promptly after breakfast.

Me: good. prepare the meeting room.

he nodded and walked away.

I walked to the dinning room and walked in.  The elders all rose when they saw me.

jackson's mom held a large smile on her face.

JK mom: YESS!!! i was hoping you at with us today. you promised us lunch in the town too!!

i frowned, from time to time i go on outings with the elders. it's been a while though. I've been busy. I honestly couldn't remember telling them we'd go out.

Lucas's mom laughed.

LC Mom: OH NO YOU DON'T !!! i know that face anywhere. you forgot and your going to make an excess to back out. well not this time. we're going

i pouted at how well she knew me. 

i looked at all the women around the table. Well.... them and lucas's and Kasos's dads.

Me: guys i knowwww and im so sorry that i forgot. I really didn't have anything planned but just now and servant told me that guards from the capital are arriving soon.

they all gasped as lucas's dad sipped his tea.

KS Mom: OH!!!! are they making their rounds already!? I would have assumed they'd wait a while after finding out how much you've done.

Me: yeah well they also didn't feel the need to give a heads up either i supposed. Because i wasn't even aware, they just showed up at the gate.

BB Mom: wow.....speaking of royal guards.... i know it's always been a touchy subject for us all. But Moonbae... did you buy any chance see the gu-

BamBam's mother's words were cut off by a loud knock at the door, making us all turn our head.

JK Mom: OOO!!!! breakfast is finally hereeeeee!!!

i chuckled at her eagerness

a servant walked in. but not alone. My Smile dropped quickly as gasped could be heard around the room.

because the servant wasn't wheeling in his normal breakfast tray. Instead there next to him stood 4 men. 

Jackson, Lucas, Kasos, and bambam all stood in regular clothing. Smiling at their parents, Who were no doubt happy, but behind their smiles held mixed emotions.


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