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i was gathered at the table with the boys and elders with the exception of kasos, he was finishing the tour with sam. He forcefully tagged along this morning and refused to let me finish when he felt like sam was getting too friendly with me. He went completely overboard and accused me of challenging him when i said no to the idea of finishing the tour.

i eventually gave up and let him take control of it. after getting back and explaining things to the boys they informed me that sam was the alpha of Monsar's royal pack. something he failed to mention to me when he introduced himself.

so me saying no or in their words "disobeying him" in front of sam was a sure invitation to a challenge.

anyways we had set up a nice brunch before the festival later and was just waiting on the two of them to get back.

Lucas: how do you guys think it's going?

Jackson: they're definitely battling it out to the death in their wolf forms.

Bambam starting laughing and jackson's mother popped them both in the head.

LC Mom: you know moonbae, i'm so happy that you accepted our boys. we're like one big happy family again 

I smiled 

during the beginning of the week i was a bit skeptical and only gave them a few task here and there. but the boys pick up on the routine so quickly, i would wake up and they'd already have multiple task for the day completed.

not to mention me and kasos fighting over certain things. Sometimes the alpha in him really drives me insane and makes me want to hurt him

Knocked out of my thoughts the door opened and kasos and sam came walking in.

Cam: ahh yes we meet again, the lovely Moonbae

i smiled standing up again to bow and shake his hand when kasos smacked my hand out of the way

Kasos: no

Me: Kasos!!

KS Mom: Kasos behave yourself.

he shrugged his shoulders plopping down in the seat next to me as sam went to sit down in the only other chair available

Sam: oh no worries :) i know how us alphas can be at times.

kasos scuffed and i popped his thigh under the table causing him to smirk at me and make a goofy face....

gosh the only time he'd be serious is when he's mad.

Me: well then! shall we eat!?

everyone grabbed their forks, but heads turned when there was a loud knock on the double doors of the dinning room. a servant walked in and whispered in my ear.

Servant: Ma'am the elders have arrived.

Confused i looked around the table realizing the only people not here were lucas and kasos's dads. 

i nodded

Me: no need to inform, let them in

he nodded walking away. that was strange they always let the elders in right away. why did he come to me for permission.

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