My Messy Notes

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Holy smokes people are READING this mess of a book! Thanks? I published this YESTERDAY 16 reads wow. Thanks! Leave a comment if you can! :)

My messy and unfinished notes on how this universe works: (Will be updated)

Watchers are seen as completely evil monsters with no souls and no feelings, especially born ones.

Born Watchers are different to players, but any player can become a Watcher by wearing a Watcher mask. The masks change people, mind-controlling them and giving them Watcher powers. Born Watchers don't need to be controlled, they are naturally on the Watchers side. A Watchers halo always appears for born Watchers, or when a person fully joins the Watchers after being controlled by the masks. A Watcher mask has no effect on a born Watcher, but they wear them anyway. When a normal person first puts on a Watcher mask, a halo appears with a gap in the front. The person can fight off the effects for a little while, but the Watcher side of them will control their actions until it wins.

When Doc explodes, he respawns with no pain to him. If he hurts someone else, it doesn't just get erased by dying, it has to heal naturally and can scar. The hermits don't know if the explosions can cause permadeath, (they can't), and aren't willing to test, for obvious reasons.

The [WATCHER] next to Pearl's name isn't like a rank or anything, it's just like a blot out, hiding the rest of her identity and showing what she is. This is on all Watchers by default, but they can disable it.

Respawn mechanics:

What the hermits know/think: (Most of this is correct)

When you die, most of the time you respawn. However, there is a one per cent chance (1/100) you won't return. It's rare, but people have permadied this way. So there is panic whenever someone dies. This changes though. In minigames, pranks, PvP practise, or basically anytime someone (you included) caused your death with no REAL malicious intent, (eg. The prank war) then you always respawn. 

Dying from fall damage gives you a 2% chance of perma (1/50). Actual PvP, where the other person wants you dead, is a 5% chance of perma (1/20 OwO). Falling in the void gives you a 10% (1/10 Yikes) chance of not respawning. But if you're killed by a Watcher, you'll never come back.

The rest of it: (the Watchers know most of this)

A Watcher is much more likely to permadie under any condition except Minigames. They normally have a 5% perma chance, but falling is 7%, PvP is 12%, and they normally have a 50% chance of perma if they die to the void. 

However, this can only really happen if they are unconscious, because any watcher can command the void, and so it can't hurt them. They don't have to consciously command it, but if they are unconscious it will take its chance to try and end them. Grian and Pearl don't know this, so they are terrified to the death of the void. They are both unaware that watchers command the void. Only born watchers can command the void to do anything more than not permakill them. 

If a watcher kills in a minigame or similar, like normal players, they never permakill them. If killed by a watcher, normally it's permadeath, but there is a 0.01% chance you'll respawn. Nobody knows that.

(Old story, leaving it up for fun :) ) The Hidden DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now