Starting a new life

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You open your eyes when the sunlight hits your face.

You rub your eyes and check the time.

You then look beside you at Hoseok.

He is sleeping peacefully with his lovely face still glowing brighter than the sun.

You smile a little and move your face close to him.

Y/N: Wake up my little sunshine.

He groans and then opens his eyes.

Hoseok: AHHHH!

He scream this lungs out seeing you.

You flinch.

Y/N: W-what? What happened?

Hoseok: *deep breath* I thought you are a ghost. I forgot that it's you.

Y/N: *pouts* Do I look like a ghost.

Hoseok: Um...yeah.

Y/N: There is nothing but beauty on my face.

Hoseok: Nice joke...lemme sleep now.

Y/N: Don't you have to go to work?

Hoseok: It's sunday you pumpkin.

You pout at him and hit him gently.

Y/N: You are so bad.

You get up and start walking out.

You walk inside the kitchen amd start preparing breakfast.

Yoongi has already woken up and is sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

He stayed at your house for last night.

Yoongi gets up seeing you working in the kitchen.

Yoongi: Hey potato. What are you making?

Y/N: Breakfast...Do you need anything.

He ignores you.

You sigh a little.

You turn your eyes towards Hoseok's bedroom when you hear him coming out.

He comes downstairs and then walks inside the kitchen.

He takes the glass and drinks some water. He then looks at you preparing breakfast.

He comes closer towards you.

Hoseok: What is my cutie pie doing?

Y/N: I am preparing food...I learnt it from a friend of mine.

Hoseok: Your friend taught you? That's great, you really needed to learn how to cook.

You hit his chest. He giggles and hugs you from behind.

Hoseok: I really missed food prepared by you.

Y/N: Are you lying? I know it's a lie.

Hoseok: If you know it's a lie then stop asking me.

You hit him one more time.

Y/N: One more word and I will cook you and eat you up.

Hoseok: Not if I eat you first.

He stars rubbing his nose against your neck making you tickle.

You starts giggling and laughing. He loved to tease you.

Yoongi: Are you both done?

Hoseok's smile fades away and he turns around. His hands turned into fists.

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