Chapter 5

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After that night, we started hanging out together again. Everyday. Either I would go to his house or he would go to mine. One of the things we did the most is play our guitars and sing. Nothing big. We were just having fun. But he was really good, even though he rejected it every time I told him.

One day, after school, Luke invited me over to his house to meet some people. I had no idea who I would be meeting and I was getting a little scared and anxious. But I still went over.

Turns out, I would be meeting three of my new best friends: Mikey, Calum, and Ashton. I got there and knocked on his door and I remember Ashton coming to open the door. He was a little older, maybe about two years older than Luke. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hey! You must be Haley. Luke has been excited to introduce us to you and has been talking about you non-stop." He told me as he let me in. I just blushed. "Oh yeah. Sorry, I might want to introduce myself. My name is Ashton, but you can called me Ash." He reached his hand out and I took it.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ash. I'm glad to hear that Luke is glad to introduce me. He knows that I don't like meeting new people usually so you guys must be really special to him." I say and smile up at him. I don't know why but he just a very smiley person and it's so contagious. He seems like a really nice person.

"Well, I would hope we are!" He giggled causing me to laugh too (he has such an adorable laugh!!) "the boys are in the basement, you want something to drink before we go down?"

"No, I think I'll be fine, thank you." I started to follow Ashton to the basement. As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I can hear the tv on. They're probably playing FIFA. I turn towards the tv and see the back of three heads playing, of course, FIFA.

"Wanna scare them?" Ashton whispered in my ear.

"Sure!" I whispered back.

"You get Luke, I'll get Mike and Cal."

"Okay. Let's go." We tip toed over to them. We were right behind them and we looked at each other, mouthing "1. 2. 3. Now!"

"AAHHHHH!!!!" Ashton and I screamed in their ears and shook their shoulders.

Luke jumped up and knocked over a glass of water on the table in front of him. He turned around to look at me. "What the hell, Haley?! You gave me a heart attack!" I bursted out laughing. Calum threw his controller up across the room, screaming. And Michael also jumped and started cursing at us, "Holy shit! What the fuck guys?" Ash was grabbing his stomach and laughing so hard. I was literally rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter.

Tears were running down our faces, we were laughing so hard. Luke started cleaning up the water, Calum went to get the controller, and Michael just continued playing FIFA without them. We eventually caught our breath and stopped laughing when Luke came back down from taking his empty glass up. He came back down with two glasses and handed one to me, "thanks," I smiled up at him from my position on the couch next to Calum.

"Well, now that that's over, guys, meet Haley." Luke introduced me. Michael had paused the game to pay attention. I gave a small wave to them. "Haley, I'm guessing you already met Ash?" I nodded my head. "So that's Calum," he pointed to the boy with black curly-ish hair, "and that is Michael," he now pointed at the boy with black hair with a streak of blue-green in it.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you guys." I could feel the nervousness dripping from my words but I tried to hide it with a smile. "Yeah! It's nice to meet you too!" Calum and Mike replied. They seemed like nice people too.

"So, Haley, do you wanna play FIFA?" Calum asked.

"Uh, yeah sure." I picked up an extra controller.

"Dibs on Haley being on my team!" Michael yelled.

I laughed, "Why? I'm not that good?"

"I don't know, you just look like you would be good" he shrugged.

"She actually is pretty good. She's beat me a couple times," Luke told him.

Mike raised his hand up and I gave him a high five. "We got this!"

(To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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