Chapter One: Stubbornness

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Mary Ellen O'Hara - known to her friends and family as Ella - was almost the spitting image of her, only very slightly younger, twin sister Katie Scarlett. The only dissimilarity between the sisters were their eyes; Ella's were a deep ocean blue, whereas Scarlett's were a dazzling emerald green. The twins had dark luscious hair which only enhanced their pale white skin, something all southern ladies strived for. Both had tiny waists which were the smallest in at least three counties and the envy of all the local girls.

Although their looks were matching, Ella's and Scarlett's personalities could not be more different. This very afternoon was a sure example of that. Ella was sitting by the window of her bedroom reading a very enlightening book about Europe, a place Ella wished she would have the opportunity to visit one day. Meanwhile, Scarlett was entertaining two of her many beaux outside on the porch.

Scarlett was the belle of the county, not because she was one of the prettiest girls around, in fact, she was rather unremarkable. However, she had a way of charming all the local boys into fighting for her attention, and Scarlett had to be the centre of attention.

Ella was very different in that respect. She did not have her sister's charms and was not as confident in her feminine wiles. The most attention Ella received from the male species was when they mistook her for her sister.

As a result, Ella was shy and an avid reader, she loved to learn new things, whatever the subject. Without entertaining beaux taking up her time, Ella had the opportunity to educate herself. She read as many books on as many different topics as she could get her hands on. Europe was a special interest of hers, women weren't as repressed over there, and Ella longed for that kind of freedom.

Ella, although still young, had already resigned herself to a lonely life, without a husband or any children. No man had caught her interest, and she had yet to catch the attention of any man. So, Ella longed for the freedom to live her life as she pleased and believed that Europe was the only place where she could do that. A whole other world was out there across the ocean, and Ella did everything she could to learn about it in preparation for her new life, in what she hoped was the not too distant future.

That's not to say Ella and her sister weren't close, they were twins after all, and Ella was the only sister Scarlett was somewhat close to. Scarlett even, on the odd occasion, tried to subtly push one of her beaux in her sister's direction, but without Ella's cooperation, nothing ever became of these plans.

Scarlett was worried about her sister's lack of interest in the male species, but knowing stubbornness was something they shared, the sisters were at an impasse. Ella's stubbornness wouldn't let her accept her sister's help, while Scarlett's stubbornness wouldn't stop her from trying. This evening was one of those occasions.

It was the night before the Wilkes' barbeque at Twelve Oaks and after dinner three out of four of the O'Hara sisters excused themselves to their rooms to prepare for tomorrow. They scrutinised their choice of dresses, a day dress for the barbeque and an evening dress for the ball in the evening. They tried out different hairdos and made sure everything was perfect for tomorrow, after all, they wanted to look their best. The fourth sister excused herself and went to her room to finish reading her book. Ella rolled her eyes at her sisters as she heard them argue about who's dress was prettiest and what hairstyle suited who best. Ella didn't share her sister's interest in appearance, she didn't see the point anymore.

Scarlett waltzed into Ella's room to find her reading. Scarlett felt a pang of sadness as she watched her sister. She could remember when they were little and Ella would show the same amount of enthusiasm about dresses and balls as Scarlett did and wondered what had changed Ella's mind about such things. She hated the thought, but Scarlett knew it was her fault.

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