Chapter Six: Curiosity

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It was early enough in the morning that the streets were still quiet as Ella walked through Charleston towards the ocean. Her aunt's whirlwind tour had slowed down enough that Ella finally had a morning free to explore by herself. She found a bench, away from the main streets, which overlooked the docks and began to watch the sailors hard at work loading the ships. She tried to picture herself, one day, traveling across the vast expanse of water on one of these elegant wooden ships. It seemed too much like a dream to be a possibility.

After a while, she spotted a sailor carrying a crate onto one of the ships. He was a large man, dressed in tailored trousers and a loose shirt which was rolled up at the sleeves and open wide at the neck, exposing his chest. Ella blushed as she could see his well-defined muscles as he carried what she imagined was a very heavy crate. Watching the man, Ella was overcome by a sense of familiarity.

"Mr Butler?" she whispered.

The sailor had now deposited the crate on the ship and was making his way back onto the dock when he looked up. Ella's breath caught in her throat. Will he recognise me, she wondered? She looked down and wrung her hands in her lap. Ella always got nervous at the prospect of having to socialise with someone. She was only comfortable with people she saw on a regular basis, ideally every day.

"Miss Ella O'Hara, what a pleasure it is to see you again."

Ella felt a deep blush overcome her face at his words and took a deep steadying breath before looking up at him.

"Mr Butler! What a surprise to see you again."

"A good surprise I hope?"

"Of course."

He sat down next to her on the bench, his long legs stretched out before him with the arm nearest Ella resting across the back of the bench.

Ella felt herself blush again and twisted her clutched hands together as his closeness made her nervous. She still remembered clearly that day at Twelves Oaks, as since that day in April, Ella had recalled it many times. The thoughts that accompanied her memories filled Ella with shame, for they were thoughts no lady should have. Those thoughts plagued her now as what she had felt of his body beneath hers that day, was now on display right beside her.

"What brings you to Charleston, Miss Ella?"

Rhett could sense Ella's unease and though part of him was amused by it, he wanted her to be comfortable around him. After that day at Twelve Oaks part of Rhett hoped he would never run into the southern belle who almost made him want to be a gentleman. He wasn't a marrying man and Ella O'Hara was a marrying woman. For this reason alone, Rhett should have stayed away when he spotted her here, but something drew him to her. Rhett didn't know what it was about her that enticed him, but he intended to find out.

"I'm visiting my aunts, Pauline and Eulalie Robillard."

"Robillard. I believe they are friends of my mothers."

"Yes. I met her a few days ago."

"Was she well?"

Ella smiled at Rhett's concern.

"She was, very well and even more so to know that you were well when I last saw you."

"Thank you, Miss Ella. I hope you didn't have the misfortune of meeting my father."

"No. Mr Butler..."

"Speak your mind, Miss Ella."

"Why can't your mother see how you are for herself?"

"My father kicked me out. I am sure if he could have stripped me of his name he would have."

"Oh, Rhett!"

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