Chapter Ten: Confusion

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The stack of books mocked Ella. They hadn't moved from where Scarlett placed them when she brought them up to Ella during Rhett Butler's visit three days ago. It wasn't that Ella didn't want to touch them. In fact, she longed to read the Jane Austen novels that she had heard of but had never been able to read. However, she was at war with herself. Would that be considered as an acceptance of his apology? Is that what the gift was, an apology? Why else would he give her a gift? Although, he did give Scarlett a gift too. Maybe he thought he couldn't give one sister a gift and not the other.

Ella found her train of thought frustrating and she felt a headache coming on.

At least he had the good sense to give me books and not a bonnet. When would Scarlett be able to wear such a luxurious bonnet in the middle of a war? Well, knowing Scarlett any chance she gets, thought Ella.

Ella rubbed her temples. She hated getting headaches. She decided to go for a walk, hoping that the fresh air would head it off. Glancing down at the pile of books, Ella sighed. Was she being ridiculous? She took one of the books, made her way downstairs and crept quietly out of the door. She didn't want to tell her sister she was going out, for she would surely want to join her, and Ella just wanted to be by herself.

Ella made her way to a small park and sat on a bench. Luckily it wasn't a particularly sunny day, as the bench wasn't in the shade and she didn't have a bonnet or parasol with her. Who cares about getting freckles anyway, such things should hardly matter in the middle of a war, Ella reasoned.

Looking down at her book, Ella saw that she had picked up Sense and Sensibility. She opened it to the first page and began to read, getting lost in the story.

Ella had no idea how much time had passed when a large figure cast a shadow over her, startling her out of her reading. Ella froze, even without looking up she knew exactly who was standing before her. His presence radiated a masculine power that she would recognise anywhere.

Inwardly Ella prepared herself. She was a strong, intelligent woman who didn't need a man, especially not one like Rhett Butler. She could act as indifferent to him as he did towards her at the bazaar. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Ella looked up with a smile.

"Captain Butler, what a pleasure to see you again."

Rhett grinned down at Ella. Noting that she was, once again, outside without any protection against the sun and that she was reading his gift. He could see her composure was an act, as her eyes were unsure, and her hands clenched her book tight.

"Miss Ella are you enjoying your book?"

Ella's smiled tightened falsely.

"Very much, thank you for your gift, although you really shouldn't have. I think Scarlett is yet to take off that beautiful bonnet you gave her."

"Is that so? Well I'll be sure to bring her back a matching shawl on my next visit to Atlanta."

Ella stared up at Rhett. She took that as meaning her second guess was correct. Rhett was really bringing Scarlett a gift and didn't want to leave Ella out.

"Well, I know she'll greatly appreciate that, Captain Butler. Scarlett loves nothing more than pretty things, except perhaps balls and dancing, or anything that will make her the center of every man's attention."

Ella hadn't meant to go on like that. She had planned to act civil and indifferent towards Rhett, but after their mornings together in Charleston, she felt so comfortable in his presence. No one else could get her to talk so much.

"I must say, I'd figured that out about your sister already."

Rhett had felt the Ella he spent those mornings in Charleston with, come back for a moment before she retreated inside herself again. He was both relieved and upset that she had distanced herself from him. Despite his mixed feelings, he couldn't help but take her hand in his. The feeling on her dainty soft hands in his made his heart race in a way that he only felt on the open sea.

"I'm leaving tomorrow for the blockade again, so this is goodbye, for now at least."

Ella breath caught in her throat when Rhett took her hand in his large calloused one and her eyes widened feeling his warm lips as he placed a kiss on the back of her hand. She also felt the loss when he let her hand go and began to walk away.

Ella quickly rose from her seat on the bench.


Rhett paused at her call and turned slightly to look back at her.

"Be careful."

Ella knew what Rhett was doing was dangerous and she couldn't help but hope that he would be safe.

"No need to worry about me, Darling."

On the outside, Rhett grinned at Ella's concern, but inside his heart swelled with hope. She still cared about him. He stuffed those feelings deep down inside and continued to walk away from Ella. He didn't even notice the term of endearment that had slipped out.

Ella watched Rhett walk away and all she could think was, "Darling"?

Rhett was right. Ella had no reason to worry for he came back a few months later, and then again and again. In fact, Captain Butler made visits to the Hamilton house whenever he was in Atlanta.

As he had told Ella, on his next visit he bought a matching shawl for Scarlett, and every visit after he brought her beautiful gifts. Scarlett was thrilled and always looked forward to his visits and more than that, she had begun to enjoy his friendship. He was a welcome respite from the company of Atlanta's ladies.

Ella on the other hand tried to avoid him as often as possible, but sometimes it was unavoidable without appearing rude. When she was in his presence she tried not to look at him. She was afraid that all the hurt she had felt because of him would come back if she did. Or worse, that it would only take one of his charming smiles for her to forget why she was keeping her distance from him in the first place.

Rhett wasn't sure what he was doing. Every time he came back from the blockade he would make his way to Atlanta to visit the O'Hara sisters. On each visit, he would bring Scarlett an expensive accessory that would make her squeal with giddiness and Ella a unique item from somewhere around Europe. Ella would politely accept his gifts, though Rhett suspected that she only did so because Scarlett was so quick to accept hers. Nevertheless, he could see the sparkle in her eye whenever she examined a new gift, obviously guessing the whereabouts of its origin and imagining herself there.

He couldn't understand exactly what he expected to get from these visits. While Scarlett was always pleased to see him and had become someone he actually enjoyed the company of, Ella managed to keep up a distant and courteous exterior around him and that was only when she couldn't make up an excuse why she couldn't be present during his visits. Rhett wasn't making any progress in earning Ella's affection, although he hadn't made his mind up whether he wanted to. Nevertheless, he continued his visits.

Scarlett wasn't sure what was going on in her sister's head, but she was happy to be receiving all these beautiful gifts from Rhett. In her mind, Ella had insisted she wasn't interested in having a beau or getting married, which combined with her behaviour towards Rhett made Scarlett conclude that Ella was interested in Rhett. So Scarlett made the most of his visits, she treated him as she used to treat all her beaux, but also different because Rhett Butler was different. Rhett was also her friend.

Ella appreciated Rhett's consistency. Every few months when he was in town he would visit and he always brought gifts. She couldn't help but recognise the thought that went into her gifts. He knew how much she wanted to see the world, so he bought a small piece of various places back with him, just for her. However, that was the extent of his efforts. No matter how thoughtful the gifts, she had told him she wasn't a woman who could be bought, but her sister was. Scarlett talked of little else than her latest treasure from Captain Butler. They're made for each other, Ella decided.

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