Chapter Four: Truth

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Ella discreetly made her way out of the library, suddenly remembering she wasn't meant to be in there, especially alone.

Soon after she was approached by a very eager Charles Hamilton.

"You must know Miss O'Hara that I, well I love you and it would be my greatest honour if you would agree to be my wife."

Ella sighed, the boy was so nervous that he hadn't even looked her in the eye yet, if he had he might have noticed they were blue and not green.

"Mr Hamilton, I believe you have mistaken me for my sister."

Charles' face grew red at her words and properly looked for the first time at who he had just proposed to.

"Miss Ella! I'm... I... I'm so sorry."

"Don't trouble yourself, but I suggest you rethink your intentions, Charles Hamilton. Why you are practically promised to Honey Wilkes, and I thought you were a gentleman."

Charles was even more embarrassed and slightly affronted at being called ungentlemanly.

Ella gave him a curtsy and made her way outside onto the porch. She closed her eyes and pointed her face towards the afternoon sun, relaxing in its warmth.

Rhett Butler had made his way onto the porch to watch the chaos which accompanied the announcement of the war. Looking to his left, he noticed Miss Ella O'Hara resting against the porch bannister, head tilted back, eyes closed, and face basking in the afternoon sun. Rhett grinned at the sight, and Ella became more intriguing at each meeting.

"Out without a bonnet Miss O'Hara. Why would a Lady risk her complexion in such a way?"

Ella opened her eyes to find Rhett Butler standing next to her.

"A few minutes won't do me any harm, Mr Butler."

"You left a red-faced and stuttering Mr Hamilton in the foyer, whatever could he have done for you to cause him such distress."

Ella could hear the amusement in Rhett's voice and something about the man, made her feel comfortable in his presence.

"He mistook me for my sister and proposed to me. So, I tried to save my sister from making a rash mistake and told him he wasn't a gentleman, since he is practically promised to Honey Wilkes and yet goes around proposing to any girl he sees."

"How could anyone mistake you for your sister."

It wasn't a question, but Ella answered anyway.

"Very easily and quite often, I assure you."

Rhett studied the young girl next to him. Miss Ella O'Hara was refined and would surely grow up to be the Lady her mother had groomed her to become. Her sister however was a child, and probably always would be.

"You'll never have to worry about that with me. For twins, you and your sister could not be more different."

Ella glanced over at Rhett to find him studying her. His intense gaze made her blush and squirm. She felt uncomfortable and self-conscious at being observed under his gaze. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear in her nervousness and looked down as she was unable to hold his stare. Still, for some reason she believed him, she believed he would never mistake her for her sister, and this made Ella smile.

"You looked positively entranced at Ashley Wilkes at the barbeque, I hope you and your sister don't share the same opinion of him."

Ella gave Rhett a look which said she didn't appreciate him bringing up what they had witnessed in the library.

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