Chapter Eleven: Belief

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It was a year after the bazaar and the whole of Atlanta was impatiently waiting for the casualty lists from the latest battle to be released. Melly was gripping Ella's hands with all her might; she was terrified at the thought of seeing her husbands name on the list.

"Ashley's fine Melly, I just know it."

At her words, Ella looked over to Scarlett who was sitting opposite her in the carriage. She had hoped Scarlett had left her childish love for Ashley behind when he married Melly, but Ella feared it wasn't so. Unfortunately, there was nothing Ella could do to change stubborn Scarlett's mind.

A sudden rush of noise alerted them to the release of the lists. Ella tried to block out the sound of the anguished cries as people mourned their loved ones. At last, they got hold of a list; Ashley was not on it. The ladies cried out in relief, but their happiness was short-lived. The Meade's had lost their oldest son. Melly rose from her seat and descended from the carriage.

"Poor Mrs Meade. I must go to her."

As the O'Hara sisters were left alone, Scarlett moved to take Melly's place next to Ella and began to read to list which Ella was still holding.



"The Tarleton brothers."

Ella studied the list and her eyes welled up with tears. Nearly every family she knew had lost someone. She was so distracted she didn't notice a rider approach the carriage until they spoke.

"Scarlett. Miss Ella."

"Rhett! Isn't it just awful!"

"Indeed Scarlett. It's a waste and I hate waste. I hope you haven't lost too many friends Miss Ella."

Ella looked up at Rhett and for the first time in many months, they locked eyes. Rhett noticed her eyes were welled up with tears that were threatening to fall.

"Foolish! It's just so senseless that they all died for this ridiculous cause!"

Rhett wanted to gather her in his arms but reluctantly settled for using a comforting tone of voice.

"I know. I know Ella, but they died for what they believed in."

"Well they believed in the wrong thing."

This was the most interaction the two had had with each other since their time in Charleston. Ella wanted Rhett to comfort her. She wanted to spend the rest of her life in his arms, but how could she trust him not to run away again.

"I will leave you ladies to your grief. Scarlett. Miss Ella."

The O'Hara twins watched Rhett ride away.

Scarlett watched her sister's interaction with Rhett with mixed emotions; jealous that she wasn't the focus of a man's attention, but also hopeful, as she had never seen her sister act in such a way with a man before. It made her happy to see her sister show interest in a man and Scarlett told herself that she was glad it was Rhett, as although she enjoyed his presents, she wasn't seriously interested in him. After all, Scarlett had Ashley.

Meanwhile, Ella was confused. The emotional news had made her forget herself around Rhett and she didn't know what to make of their interaction just now. Ella figured that there was no need to analyse it now and she was far too drained to do so anyway.

When Melly joined them back in the carriage and they made their way home, subdued after the day's events.


The house was stifling and Ella couldn't bear it. The months since the first casualty list was published had left everyone with a more realistic view of what this war would do to their lives and cost their loved ones.

Ella picked up a book and a blanket and made her way out of the house and down the road to the small park. Although autumn was upon them, it was still warm and she found a hidden spot where she spread her blanket before laying down on it. Luckily the park wasn't visited often, at least, of the few times she had been there, the only person she had come across was Rhett Butler.

As far as she knew, at this moment he was on his boat across the ocean somewhere. She could picture it clearly in her mind. Rhett's boat swaying in the ruff sea, water splashing across the deck and Rhett's strong frame working alongside his crew as his deep voice shouted out orders. The wind and rain would have caused his hair to loosen and fall into his eyes so that he would have to push it back by running one of his big hands through his hair.

Ella shook her head. Her imagination was running away with her, as it had been doing a lot recently. Obviously, she had been reading too many romance novels. Ella looked at the book she had brought with her and put it to one side. Deciding not to read, she instead turned onto her back, closed her eyes and enjoyed feeling the warmth of the sun upon her face.

"I can practically see the freckles forming."

Ella was proud of herself for not jumping up at the sudden sound of a deep voice. Instead, she remained laying down with her eyes closed, but she couldn't stop her body from tensing or slow down her racing heart.

"I'm not worried."

Rhett has been somehow drawn to the clearing behind some trees, but he wasn't expecting to see Ella lying on her back in the grass. He took his time taking her in. It was unexpected to catch a woman he considered a proper lady in such a position and he wanted to make the most of it. Rhett believed he was seeing the side of Ella which wanted to travel and experience the world, the part of her that longed for freedom, from this life and its rules.

He had missed her. He missed the Ella he spent his mornings getting to know in Charleston, but the few times he had seen her since the bazaar in Atlanta she wasn't herself. Rhett hadn't seen the Ella who wanted to sail across the ocean, but the lady her mother had raised her to be, with cold courtesy instead of a friendly smile. Ella had put up a wall around herself, at least when it comes to Rhett, and he wanted nothing more than to tear it down.

When he stood on his boat as he sailed across the sea, he would think of her and her curiosity and delight when he taught her what everything was on his ship. Ella was unique. Rhett couldn't think of another lady he had ever met who would show the same kind of interest.

At night he would remember their first encounter and the feel of Ella's body lying on top of his on the sofa. He would remember how beautiful she looked in her purple dress at the Charleston ball. No woman had ever caused him to do a double-take, until Ella.

She continued to surprise him, and he found himself unable to stay away from her.

"And rightly so. They only add to your beauty."

Ella wasn't sure how to react to that. She opened an eye and peered up at Rhett. Her memory didn't do him justice. He looked like a giant towering over her from her position on the ground. A very handsome giant.

"Always the charmer, Captain Butler."

She had expected Rhett to have his trademark grin plastered across his face, as she assumed he was teasing her. Instead, he looked unnaturally serious and continued to stare at her as he knelt next to her.

"I never lie, Miss Ella."

Ella sat up, putting her closer to his height and raised her eyebrows in disbelief.


Ella's breath caught as Rhett leaned in closer, he was almost inappropriately close, but she still wished he was closer. Ella was sure she stopped breathing as he stared into her eyes.

"Never to you."

As Ella stared back into Rhett's eyes, she couldn't help but believe him.

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