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Nova hadn't left her house in what felt like months to her she was absolutely heartbroken the future she was planning with Bradley everything just torn apart in the blink of an eye. Ellie and Ben novas other best friends had been staying with her for a few days trying To support her and the best they could until they decided they had enough of sitting around moping about.

" yano nove there is a party this weekend, it would do you the world of good to get back to some normality" said Ellie

Nova rolled her eyes while continuing to think back to what she had seen " I don't really think that's a good idea I don't want to run into those Fucking two"

"Oh cmon you can't keep sitting here feeling sorry for yourself we are going shopping and getting you something that makes you look like a bad bitch and your coming out with us like it or not! " Ben exclaimed

Nova reluctantly agreed and went to shower and get dressed first, as she was just about finished she was dragged out to Ellie's car before she could change her mind. 20 minutes of listening to Ellie and Ben screaming the new Nicki Minaj album later they arrived at the mall and began the search for 'bad bitch' outfit. Nova found a couple of things she liked and went to try them on, the first was a wrap dress that had long sleeves and was past her knees "I look like a school teacher" nova said to herself while looking in the mirror she proceeded to try on the other outfits the second being a leather look skirt that was quite short but not 'too short' it was tight enough to show off the bum which she liked nodding in agreement with the skirt she paired it with a black see through top nova stared at herself foe a little while thinking about the decision "fuck it I'll wear a nice bra and it will look nice" lastly nova added heals to the outfit a pair of lace up heals that really made her feel confident in her decision.

" hey nove you almost done I'm bored and want Maccys"

" yes for god sakes I'm just getting back dressed I'll be like 5/6 minutes go to McDonald's and order me some nugs I'll meet you there"

Nova exited the changing rooms and payed for the clothes and shoes just as she was leaving the shop putting her purse back in her bag she collided with someone "I'm so sorry I wasn't watc-" just as she looked up she realised it was Millie who she hadn't seen since she caught her and Bradley.

"Oh novey I'm so sorry about that and about the other week with bra-" Millie was cut off from talking nova heard enough.

"Stop Millie, stop calling me Novey, stop trying to make things okay you was supposed to be my best friend and you went behind my back and fucked my boyfriend you and him deserve each other both of you are fake little people and I hope he does that to you so you can see how it feels"

Nova walked off feeling proud that she managed to make it through that sentence without 1 crying and 2 slapping her she made her way to McDonald's and enjoyed her real friends company.

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