• S E V E N •

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After celebrating a 2-0 win against Fulham me and my dad was so happy what a great return to the season with all this adrenaline I decided you know what I'll message mason you know just to congratulate him on the win.

To Mason-
Hey it's Nova, just thought I'd give you a message to congratulate you on the win. :)

As soon as I sent the text I regretted instantly why did I do that nova you muppet you should of just left, now I'm in the toilets freaking out while my dad probably thinks I've died in here at This point I'm taking so long, I decided to re apply my lipstick before exiting and as I finish I hear a *ding* I pulled my phone up seeing it light up with a message from mason.

From- mason
Hey I didn't expect you to actually message tbh, and thank you I appreciate it have you already left?.

Do I reply? Do I wait? Do I ignore it? I decided to respond and keep calm.

To- mason
Well I wasn't going to but I thought I'd say congrats and just nipped into the loo then leaving.

To- Mason
Sorry I didn't mean to talk about the toilet.

From- mason
Haha don't worry, why wasn't you gonna message?
I'm just about to leave myself do you want to grab a coffee?

To- Mason
Nerves really. And yeah sure no problem my dads with me so he will be happy, do you want me to wait?

From- mason
I'll meet you there , let me know which one your going.

To- Mason

Shortly after I'd told Mason where we was he arrived in his training tracksuit looking so handsome if I'm being honest,

"Hey guys sorry if I kept you both waiting" said mason

"Don't worry buddy it's all good, as much as a I would love to stay and get to k ow all about you I'm gonna have to head home I've got a early day tomorrow" my dad said to mason looking at me strangely

My dad bent down and gave me a hug "he seems a good lad don't ruin it" and smiles at me

I roll my eyes at him and say goodbye and tell him to message when he's home. Mason turned to me and smiled I didn't even know what to talk about or anything I was just so confused why MASON MOUNT was wanting to have a coffee with me of all people, clearly I was sat quiet starring at him for too long because he coughed and cleared his voice snapping me back into reality.

"So nova your quiet, are you okay? You don't have to stay if you don't want too" he said kindly

"No no sorry I'm just kinda confused tbh why you would be wanting to sit and have coffee with me especially when i ran off like Cinderella the other week" I joked

He joined me laughing and said he wanted to
Get to know me more after literally 2 hours of joking and laughing we decided to call it a day, mason walked me to my car and gave me a hug and said he'd message me soon.

On the way home I couldn't stop thinking about him the way he looked to handsome he seemed genuine and kind actually Interested in what I was saying Rather than pretending. I promised myself I wouldn't trust any man again after Bradley especially a footballer but something about mason seemed different I got this feeling when I was with him aside from the butterfly's I felt


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