• T W E N T Y O N E •

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The next morning I wake up exhausted realising  I barely even slept I feel disgusting, do I tell anybody, did I deserve this was it my fault I was thinking to myself before I continue I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing it was mason I didn't want to talk to him because I'd have to explain what's happened and I just want to forget that it ever happened. I turn my phone off and lie back down drifting back of to sleep.


A few hours later I'm awaken by somebody stroking my hair I open my eyes and my thoughts immediately go back to last night, without even thinking I scurry out of bed and stand in the corner looking at mason. " can you leave please I don't want to talk right now." I say not daring to meet his gaze

"What the hell I know we had a disagreement but isn't this going a bit far? Come here"


"And whys that?" Mason rightfully questions and begins to move over to where I'm stood putting his arms on mine "baby why are you flinching" I shake my head and once again Move away from him back onto the bed with my legs stretched out, mason waisted  no time in walking back to the bottom of the bed sitting down staring at me.

"What is the matter you can talk to me" he said quietly I take a deep breath thinking about what to say i don't want to tell him so there is only one thought of what I can do.

"Do you not think we rushed into this relationship mase I mean We had two dates" I say while fiddling with the bed covers

"WHAT absolutely Fuckimg not it may have been 2 dates nove but I fell for you first time we talked and then again when I saw you at the game and even more since then" I almost shouts "oh okay well I think it's been too fast mason especially for me" I sigh mason clearly angry stands up and begins passing the room "nova I'm so confused why are you saying all this now we can sort out what the problem is but you need to talk to me" I shake my head at him while I'm thinking about what else to say my phone goes off with a message tone a few times then begins to ring I start to look for it only to realise it's already in masons hand as he looks at me with hurt all over his face he throws the phone on the bed and starts to walk out the door "fuck you nova I thought you was better than that" he said to me with tears in his eyes.

Confused I grab my phone to see what he saw then I understand.

2 missed calls/ Bradley🙄

4 new messages/ Bradley🙄
-did you enjoy feeling me inside you last night
- I definitely did
-I've missed my little tease
-my lil novey

I know I was trying to push him away but I couldn't let him think I cheated on him especially after I had it done to Me, I run out of the bedroom chasing him down the stairs.

" wait mason please"

"I don't wanna hear it nova it's done" he said hurt clearly evident in his voice

"I didn't cheat" I stop in my tracks

"I'd never cheat on you" I cry to him and he turns round and shouts " you clearly fucking did nova otherwise he woul-"

"He.. he.. raped me!" I crumble to the floor not being able to keep my strength

"What" I look up to see mason making his way over to me embracing me in his arms "nove I'm so-"
I stop him talking by placing a kiss on his lips

"Don't apologise I tried to push you away because o didn't want to face what has happened but I couldn't bare the thought of you thinking I cheated" I look down at my hands

"Are too okay ? Do you need to go to the hospital the police anything" I shake my head suddenly mason stands up running upstairs grabbing my phone and tossing me his before walking out the door.

"What, where are you going" I say confused

"My phones there if you need to message or anything I need yours"

"Mason where are you going"

"To kill him nove"

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