• T W E N T Y T W O •

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Masons POV

I woke up this morning to 10 missed calls and 4 messages off nova confused I tired calling her back but she didn't answer, she was probably still sleeping off her hangover. I know I have been spending so much time away from her lately and I really want to do something special to show her how much she means to me. I call Ellie and see if she's there and asleep because I was going to bring her some breakfast and her favourite tea from Starbucks to apologise for being a jerk only the first step to making things better but at least it's a start.

Once I arrive at Ellie's place I put the things in the counter and make my way up to see nova, I open the door and as I thought she was asleep I sit next to her and begin stroking her hair to gently wake he up suddenly she opens her eyes and then shoots to the other side of the room " can you leave please I don't want to talk right now." She says avoiding meeting my eyes.

Confused I shake my head" What the hell I know we had a disagreement but isn't this going a bit far? Come here"


"And whys that?" I rightfully questions and begin to make my way to where She was  putting my arms on hers "baby why are you flinching" She shakes her head and once again Moves away from me back onto the bed with her legs stretched out, I waisted no time in walking back to the bottom of the bed sitting down staring at her " What is the matter you can talk to me" i said quietly she looks at me briefly before looking back down. 

"Do you not think we rushed into this relationship mase I mean We had two dates"  she says while fiddling with the bed covers

"WHAT absolutely Fuckimg not it may have been 2 dates nove but I fell for you first time we talked and then again when I saw you at the game and even more since then" I almost shouted  "oh okay well I think it's been too fast mason especially for me" She sighs. I'm so angry and confused what is going on I stand up and begin passing the room "nova I'm so confused why are you saying all this now we can sort out whatever  the problem is but you need to talk to me"  she shakes her head again but as she's about to speak her phone starts going off to what sounded like 100 times I see her looking for it but I've already noticed it on the draws as I pick it up to give her I see the messages on the screen.

2 missed calls/ Bradley🙄

4 new messages/ Bradley🙄
-did you enjoy feeling me inside you last night
- I definitely did
-I've missed my little tease
-my lil novey

I look up at her as she realises it's in my hand, she fucking cheated on me with Bradley how could she
I throw the phone on the bed and start to walk out the door "fuck you nova I thought you was better than that" i said to her with tears in my eyes. I start to walk down stairs just wanting to go home and cry at what a fool I've been I hear her running after me and start shouting me.

" wait mason please"

"I don't wanna hear it nova it's done" i said hurt clearly evident i my voice

"I didn't cheat" I stop in my tracks

"I'd never cheat on you" she crys to me and I can't help but turn round and shout " you clearly fucking did nova otherwise he woul-" 

"He.. he.. raped me!" She crumbles to the floor not being able to keep her strength

He did what.
To my baby.
"What" I say making my way over to her embracing her  in his arms "nove I'm so-"
She stops me from talking by placing a kiss on my lips

"Don't apologise I tried to push you away because o didn't want to face what has happened but I couldn't bare the thought of you thinking I cheated" She says while looking down at her hands

"Are too okay ? Do you need to go to the hospital the police anything" She shakes her head suddenly I stand up running upstairs grabbing novas phone and tossing her mine before walking out the door.

"What, where are you going" She asks confused

"My phones there if you need to message or anything I need yours"

"Mason where are you going"

"To kill him nove"


I wasn't exactly sure how to play this but I know for a fact he's not getting away with this even if nova doesn't wanna press changes. I glance at the phone thinking before I message.

To- Bradley🙄
Hey fancy meeting me in the park?

I press send and doubt he'll reply surely he can't want to meet the girl he just raped.. I makes my blood boil even thinking of him touching my gorgeous girlfriend 2 dates or not we've known each other 3/4 months and I have really truly fallen for her and I can't wait to continue our journey together, as I'm sat thinking I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts buy hearing novas phone ding a couple of times.

5 new messages mase💙 and Bradley🙄

I click novas first remembering she's messaging me from my phone.

From- Mase💙
Please don't do anything stupid baby, honestly I want to forget it all and not make anything worse please come home.

I smile at myself before rolling my eyes at her message he needs to have something done to him one way or another i proceed to brads messages.

From- Bradley🙄
Come to your senses now and realise you still want me?
Course I'll meet you
ETA 10mins

I sit and wait for him at the fountain and soon enough I saw him taking a deep breath I jog up to him before he realised it was me I pinched him in the face making him immediately fall the to floor so I kick him a couple of times "stay the hell away from nova your so lucky she doesn't want to go the police otherwise you'd be rotting away in prison"I spit at him he doesn't bother to say anything but just looks up holding his bloody nose. I give him another few kicks before deciding I was satisfied I make my way home to nove anxious to see her on the way I pick up some flowers to maybe hopefully make her smile again that beautiful smile I'm so in love with wait.. am I? No.

Yes yes I am I'm in love with her.

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