• F I F T E E N •

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\\\Just letting you know there is some mature content ahead [sex]of your not comfortable reading that kind think just skip chapter. ///

Mason ended up picking me up at around 5pm but neither of us could decide what we wanted to do so we went and got a KFC and went to masons place to watch films, once we arrived we got all our food set out and tried to decide on something to watch mason really wanted to watch the conjurings despite me pleading not too he insisted. We sat on the Sofa under a blanket that he got us, half way through the second film I was hiding under the blanket because i hated horror films.

"Why are you hiding it's not even that scary" mason laughed at me before joining me under the blanket.

"How can you say this isn't scary I'm terrified god knows how I'll manage to sleep tonight" I said

"You can stay here if you want, I don't mind I'll sleep on the sofa" mason said giving me a kind smile

"You don't have to sleep on the sofa" I said looking down with red cheeks, mason looked at me in the eyes before putting his hand in my face just like he did the last time we kissed but this time it felt differently when he kissed me it was hard and passionate like he needed my lips on him, we continued kissing before I decided so climb onto his lap not breaking our kiss masons hand went to my ass and squeezed it mine was going through his hair giving it a little pull which earned a moan to escape his mouth making me want to do more. Almost as if he read my mind he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom lying me on the bed before anything more happened he looked at me with lustfull eyes

"Are you sure you want too, there is no pressure" he said

"I'm sure" was the only words I managed to get out before mason climbed on top of me re attaching our lips together, I rolled us over so I was on top of him I looked down at him nervous what what I was about to do I pushed the doubts to the back of my mind before lifting my top over my head and taking off my bra leaving my chest exposed.

"Nova baby wow" mason said bore grabbing hold of my boobs sucking and nipping them he wasted no time in taking off his top showing his toned abs I ran my hands down him before reaching for his pants undoing the string that was there mason realised and helped me pull them suddenly I was on my back and he was kissing my neck and jaw he slip down nibbling on my nipples I arched my back, it felt so good he continued going down kissing every inch of me before he got to where i needed him the most kissing and sucking my thighs.

"Oh fuck mase" I said throwing my head back with pleasure gripping onto the sheets

"What do you want baby" mason said looking up at me while teasing me.

"You. all. of. you." I just managed to say

He answered by placing his mouth over my pussy. I moaned and wriggled around the bed I gripped his hair which only made him do it more  , suddenly I felt his tongue inside me i couldn't contain my moans it was amazing I get him smile against me as he push his fingers inside of me hard. 

"Mason I can't take anymore on my god " I moaned

He listened by kissing back up my stomach up to my neck biting on my ear he reached over me getting a foil packet from his table soon enough he slid himself inside of me both of us moaning in unison moving together like it was meant to be, I rolled him over so I was riding him and bouncing.

"Oh baby fuck just like that" mason said with his eyes fixed on my body his hands roaming all over me, before I knew it we both sounded our final moans and collapsed next to each other, looking into each other's eyes smiling.

"That. was. amazing. so Fucking amazing" mason said in between kissing me
I rested my head on his chest hearing his heart hammering against it, thats last sound I heard before drifting asleep. 

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter this is my first ever story I've wrote so there will definitely be some errors but please be kind and give constructive criticism. Thank you xo

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