"What's this? Not even all your marks add up to 35 percent! That's it! The two of you are going to boarding school! Final!"
You're scolding Seohyun and Soomin for not performing well in their exams.

"No! Mommy... Please, mommy, we don't wanna go!"
They both ran towards the door calling for their real Mom but gets bumped into Mrs. Park, who happen to enter just at time.

"Mom...you? Here? What?" You mumble.

"What's this? You've kids too?" Mrs. Park asks.

"No Mom, actually-"

"My son's a rascal, and his wife too turned out to be a liar. Jimin lied to me and went abroad. You too hid away from me. That's fine, but the other day I saw you at the shopping complex. Where did you hide my sweet grandchildren?"
She bashes on you.

"No Mom, please listen to me...they are-"

"No buts, keep your mouth shut! I was unfortunate! I won't spare Jimin!" Mrs. Park take a seat on the couch with Seohyun and Soomin.

"Look at his eyes, hasn't he taken after his grandfather?" She says looking fondly at Seohyun.

"What?" Seohyun whispers to you and you gesture him to stay quiet.

"I'm so happy today. So happy that if I had my way. I'd declare a public holiday all over the world. Grandmother's day!" Mrs. Park exclaims.

"She's so funny, na!?" Seohyun says to you and both the kids hugged her, "Thanks for the extra holiday!"


"Welcome back, son!" Mrs. Park chanted. Jimin is back from his trip from Dubai.

"It was great fun, Mom. But I missed you alot" Jimin says and hugged her.

"All alone? Where's your wife?" Mrs. Park asks breaking the hug.

"I dropped her, Mom" Jimin says and Mrs. Park raises her hand to slap him but he dodged it quickly, giggling, as he's her child so he knew her habit very well.

"Shut up, shameless chap! I sent you with her so that you'd love her and placate her!" She says angrily.

"I know mom. Well, I can't hide anything from you now, you're grown up" He chuckles.

"Know what, Mom? She doesn't know how to love. During love making, she's like an ascetic in a trance, eyes shut, breath held...she just doesn't know the art of love making. Thank God, we don't have kids. Had we any kids...well how we have kids? She has no idea how they come!"

"Look behind you!" Mrs. Park orders him grinning.

"Mom! Like all great man, I've sworn not to look behind. People will look at me and say, 'Wow Mr. Jimin! New house, new wife and so many kids' "
Jimin says smiling imagining his little fantasy.

"Wonderful! But Mr. Jimin, just look behind"

"Really?" Jimin asks and she humms, and he turned around. "Aaaaaahhh..." He's startled.

You say waving at him with Seohyun and Soomin sitting beside you.

"Aged mother, old house, old wife, old children" His mother cooed in his ears.

"Children, your father is here. Greet him" You say to the kids.

"Greetings, dad!" Both of them bowed to Jimin.

"Wonderful!" Mrs. Park exclaims.

"Pathetic" Jimin mumbles.






"Mother-in-law, let me live with you, I'll be a nice daughter-in-law. I'll cook, I'll do the dishes, and wash the clothes"
Ara pleads.

--- To be continued ---

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