<Jimin and Ara Wedding Day>

"You look exquisite, and happy too"
Ara heard a voice from behind her when she was trying on some wedding dresses.

"Y/n!" Ara turns around and notices you standing there.

"Hi" You say smiling to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking the evening flight to the States...for good. Before leaving, I wanted to tell you something about myself and Jimin" You take a deep breath. "I'm not Jimin's wife!"

"What?" Ara asks frowning and you just nod. "Then who's Jimin's wife?"

"Nobody. Jimin is not married....."

You tell her everything from the start, when he first asked you to pretend to be his wife to woo Ara, to the end when you left him yesterday after that fight in the clinic.

"May I ask you something?" Ara asks, expression now softer than before and you again nod. "Why are you telling me all this now?"

"I'm a nurse, Ara. Be it a wound or a relationship, it must never be left open. God bless you" You say to her and finally left from there.


Ara walks to the altar where Jimin is already standing waiting eagerly for her, looking super happy. She stands before him. She smiles when she saw Jungkook standing there too, however looking not as happy as Jimin. He came there just for their friendship.

"From now on, you'll share all your wife's joy, sorrow and everything. Right?" The priest asks Jimin.

"Right, Father" Jimin replies grinning.

"Mr. Park Jimin, do you accept Ara as your wife?"

"I do!"

"Ms. Ara, do you accept Park Jimin as your husband?"

"No, Father!"
Ara answers, gaining everyones' gaze on her, among them one gaze is a happy one and that's of Jungkook.

"What? Ara, I'll be ruined! What are you saying?" Jimin questions her.

"Look Jimin, we're in the church, before God. Atleast today you should be telling the truth." Ara says in her honey voice, forcing a small smile on her face.

"What?" Jimin turns towards the Jesus. "Jesus! What accusation is this? When did I lie!?"

Ara turns him back to face her, "When did you not lie? First you said... you've a wife and kids. Then you said your wife has a boyfriend. You even lied to your mother. Aren't you ashamed?"

"Sounds like Y/n's doing. She just can't digest things. Thank God, I drove her out" Jimin whispers to Taehyung who's standing beside him and Ara left out a sigh.

"Jimin, why did you tell all those lies?" She asks.

"To make you belong to me, Ara. I love you dearly"

"And why did Y/n stand by you in your lies, all the while?"

"Because, she...considers me her boss. She takes a fat pay pocket from me. Besides, not every 'Why' has an answer, Ara"

"No, Jimin. This particular 'Why' has an answer. Y/n stood by you because she dearly loves you, Jimin. That's true. And you must marry the person who loves you" Ara calmly tells him.

"Correct! I madly love you. Please marry me" Jimin exclaims.

"Really?" Ara sighs again. "Suppose,Y/n and I were in a boat that were sinking. Who would you save?"

Jimin looks at Taehyung for an answer.

"I don't know!" Taehyung mumbles to him, shaking his head left to right and Jimin turns back to Ara.

"I'll save the boat" Jimin reply with a satisfied smile.

"The boat!" Taehyung repeats giggling, being proud of his friend's answer.

"The boat?" Ara asks.

"If he saves the boat, you'll be saved, right?" Taehyung explains.

And suddenly Jungkook jumps in between. "Stay quiet! Did I say something? Let the boat sink!"

"No, no, if you ask me about medicine, I've answers. But this quiz about who'll be drown, I can't answer!" Jimin says to Ara, in a sad tone and she hummed in thinking.

"You really love me, don't you?" She asks.


"You want to see me happy?"


"Then ask yourself and tell me honestly, are you the right man for me?"

Jimin became speechless, that 'yes' not coming out from his mouth.

"Tell me, Jimin"


"Thank you, Jimin. For the first time today you've spoken a truth... Your silence said it" Ara says with teary eyes but having a smile on her face.

"Go to the airport and stop Y/n. Else, you'll lose her in this lifetime too!" She adds.

"Ara, did you even imagine what'd happen to you without me?" Jimin asks in a low voice.

"Whatever happens, it'll be good!"  Jungkook steps forward and held Ara's hands. "

"Ara, I love you dearly"

--- To be continued ---

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