The Boy Girl Thing

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"I'll be returning at 7 in the evening, after finishing my part-time job." I texted him, "So, don't wait up for me and have your lunch." After some time, my phone beeped and there was a message from Krish.

"Okay, princess. But I'm not sure when I'll be returning from the fashion show; you better give the address of your workplace, so that I can pick you up." He replied and I instantly texted him the address and tucked my phone into my jean pocket and headed into the crowded cafeteria and took a seat from an empty table and began to drown into Nicholas Spark's 'A Walk to Remember.
"Hey." I was interrupted by a familiar voice; I looked up and saw Paige and other girls taking her seats.
"Hey!" I smiled and kept the book aside.
"So, what's up?" Jessica asked as she took a bite of her turkey sandwich.
"Nothing much, as usual, boring lectures of Alzheimer's Diseases, Brain Abscess, Cranial Gunshot Wounds and ugrhhh!" Kate rolled her eyes in disgust.
"Why do you say, so?" I looked at her confused.
"Looshin, I know you find these things interesting and you love it. But I; I feel like I'm sitting in a science museum."
We all busted out, "Why are you laughing at me?" she frowned.
"You're a science student and you're saying it's disgusting." Paige chuckled while sipping her orange juice.
"It. Is. Disgusting." She complained like a five-year-old kid.
The whole lunch passed hilariously, by pulling Kate's leg. Later, we departed for afternoon classes. Kate and I went for our afternoon classes, which were quite interesting. After college Mike, Paige and I went to work. It was almost a quarter past eight when my phone started to ring, under my pant pocket.
"Hello?" I answered the call without checking the caller ID.
"Hey, princess." A known voice came from the other end. "Where are you?"
"Hey!" A smile crept over my face, and the phone was sandwiched between my ears and shoulders. "In the workplace, where are you?"
"I'm on the way home."
"Okay! I'll be leaving within 15 mins. Shall I bring something for you or do you want me to cook for you?" I asked as I started to sweep the tiles, while Mike was arranging the tables and Paige was washing the dishes in the kitchen.
"No actually, I met my old friend my way home, so we had dinner together."
"Okay! Bye then. I have got work to get it finished." I heaved a sigh.
"Okay, princess. See you at the house."
"Yeah, bye." I ended the call.
He had his dinner already had his dinner with his friend, but you were planning to give him a surprise. But he said that he would be coming to pick you up, then why was he going to the house. Didn't you text him the address of your workplace? Then why didn't he come? - My inner conscious kept on asking such questions. Maybe he might be tired after doing some work. And however even I'm busy with my college and works, he can't be blamed. - I retorted the last part.
"Looshin, are you okay?" Mike's voice broke my train of thoughts.
"Huh! I looked at him.
"I asked, are you okay?" his eyes showed concerns.
"Yeah!" I nodded with a sly smile.
"Are you sure?" he creased his brows.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded.
After some time, we left for home. One Direction's 'What makes you beautiful' was playing on the stereo, and Paige was humming along with the song in the passenger seat, while Mike was driving the car, and I was in the back seat, looking at the passing cars and buildings across us. And saw Mike looking at me through the rearview mirror. He had, 'What - hell - happened - to - you?' look on his face. I ignored him and continued to look at passing cars and buildings.
After some time, Mike pulled the car into the driveway and I turned around to greet them good night. "Good Night, guys."
"Good Night" Paige hugged me, "See you in the morning."
"Hmmm..." I nodded.
"Good night, Mike." I looked at him.
"Good night." He smiled.
I went up and unlocked the door with a spare key, which I always used to carry with me. As I entered the house, the mild smell of lavender relaxed my mood and the living room was lighted with candles, I was awestruck for a moment, while a familiar muscular figure hugged me from back, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"How was your day?" his breath brushed my cheeks, electrifying my spine.
"Hmmm... Good." I bit my lips from blushing. "Your's?"
"Not bad."
"Had your dinner?"
"Yeah." I lied, but my stomach bitched the very moment as it grumbled.
"Did I ever mention that you're such a bad liar?" He chuckled as he turned me around him and I pressed my lips in a straight line.
"Come." He said and took me to the dining table, there were two plates set on the table and many dishes were settled on the counter. He chuckled at my surprising look. "Let's eat first, I'm hungry." He served the white cheese pasta as I settled down and poured some grape wine into my glass.
"Mmmmmm....." I moaned in the deliciousness of the food.
"Don't." His voice was stern suddenly.
"What?" I asked confusingly.
"Don't do that."
"Don't do what?"
"Don't moan like that."
"Why?" I creased my brows.
"It's... It's....." he trailed off and I understood the reason behind it. So Looshin, it's time to have some fun, my inner conscious said.
"Why can't I, Krish?" I asked innocently.
"Nothing." He looked down at his plate.
"Mmmmm....." I moaned once again.
"Loo, I said don't." He glared.
"I'll moan." I said stubbornly and continued to moan, "Mmmmmmmmmmm." And the very next moment a pair of lips crashed against mine, at first I was taken aback but later I gave up in his arms.
"I warned you, already didn't I?" He said and went back to his place. I couldn't help but blush. "So you want me to do it again?", an evil smirk crept over his face.
"You pervert." I smiled.
"Awwww...... Did I ever tell you that you look hot while blushing?"
"Stop it, Krish." I bite my lips, to stop from blushing.
"Hmmm... I have thought of a new name for you."
"And what is that?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Angel." He said enthusiastically.
"hmmm." I nodded nonchalantly.
"You don't like it." His smile fell off his face.
"No... I like it, but it does not sound as good as it feels when you call me like a princess." I stood up and went to sit in his lap, and his hands wrapped my waist instantly.
"huh... huh..." he hummed in a questioning manner.
"Yeah, in fact even my name doesn't sound well when you call me, princess," I said seductively.
"Uh... Uh..." he nodded with a smile and I too nodded seductively. "Oh! Please Looshin. Don't try to turn me on." He smirked evilly. "You know what will the consequences right, Honey?"
I gasped and got up from his lap and went to my place, where my food was waiting. Why the hell I always fail whenever I try to seduce him, I cursed myself inwardly.
"What happened, princess?" he had his infamous smirk.
"Nothing," I said monotonously, and I knew very well that he will never leave a chance to pull my leg, and the worst part is I voluntarily became a roasted feast for him.
"What happened, princess? Suddenly your mood switched off."
I kept quiet to avoid further teasing, but he kept on pulling my leg. "Oh! Stop it, Krish. I admit that I can't defeat you in flirting and seducing." I blurted out.
"I didn't expect that would be so easy." He chuckled and pulled my cheeks, "That's my girl."
"Hmmm....." I nodded.
"Come here." He stood up and took my hand.
"Where?" I raised my hand.
"It's a surprise."
I nodded and got up and followed him, he went to my room and blindfolded me, "Krish, what are you, doing?" I asked him as he blindfolded me.
"Shhhh! You'll find out my love." He whispered in my ears, seductively which sent an electrified shiver to my spine.
"Hmmm...." I nodded and he led me, inside the room. As I went to the room, he made me sit on the bed, and then he took my right ankle and kept on his thigh, and tied something around it, and he took off the blindfold. As soon as, I opened my eyes tears rolled down my cheeks. It was the anklet, which Neil gifted me on our 7th anniversary of friendship. Due to my carelessness, Neil and I had a huge argument over this, and he didn't talk to me almost for a month. But later, he was convinced by the other friends. The anklet was a rare collection of tiffany. It was a silver anklet with studded butterflies.
"Where..... Where did you get it?" I tried to hold up my tears.
"You left it, in the library; when we went on a date for the first time. The next day, the librarian gave it to me and asked me to return it to you. But you were acting strangely in the following days then, so I had no chance of giving to you. Later, I forgot about it and while packing my pieces of stuff for leaving for London, I found it on my bookshelf. So I thought of returning to you when I come to meet you." He smiled and rubbed his neck.
"Thank you, Krish." I pulled him into a tight bearing hug. "You don't have any idea, how much this anklet means to me." A tear escaped from my eyes.
"I know." He pulled back and cupped my face and wiped my tears with his thumb, "It's the same anklet, which Neil gifted you on your 7th anniversary, isn't it?"
"How..... How do you know?" I was surprised.
"Neil and I are cousins" he rubbed his neck.
"What!!!!" I was shocked when Krish said that Neil and he are cousins.
"Hmmm... it's a long and complicated relationship to understand."
"But Neil never said that you are his cousin." I was still in shock.
"We were unaware until he came to my house with my dad." He shrugged, "We were surprised when we got to know that we are cousins." He chuckled.
"I..... I still couldn't...." I trailed off and chuckled, "So, he said you about this anklet, didn't he?"
"Any doubt?" he raised an eyebrow, and I shook my head. Then, he smiled and embraced me in a warm hug.
"Krish" I called him, as I rested my head on his chest.
"Yes, Princess."
"I want to say you something."
"You can say anything, baby." He kissed my hair.
"Not like this." I pulled away from his hug and got up from the bed. "Just wait here, and don't move until I call you," I warned him.
"Okay, ma'am." He nodded like a schoolboy.
"Good boy." I ruffled his hair and went out of the room and fished out my phone from my pocket and dialled a number. "Hey, I need a favour from you."
"Yes, Madam. I'm at your service." The voice at the other end said teasingly.
"Can you bring the things, which I will list down to you?" I almost pleaded to her.
"Go ahead." The voice sounded nonchalant.
"Oh! Thank you." I jumped in happiness and to list down all the things.
"Okay! I'll be there within an hour."
"Tha....nk you..." I hung up the call, and went to the hall and replaced all the candles that were melted into the wax. Suddenly, my phone beeped and I saw messages from the person, I called a while ago and replied to messages.
"Loo, what are you doing?" I heard Krish's voice from the room, and also could hear his footstep coming towards the door.
"Krish, don't dare to come out of the room." I warned him, "and you better know, what will the consequences, if you try to mess up with me."
"Okay." He groaned and I could imagine him rolling his eyes.
I just wanted this day to make it a memorable one. Even though we both know that we love each other and he had confessed his love to me, but I hadn't confessed mine to him. It's that I don't want to say, I just wanted to make it a memorable one and waited for the right time. I wanted my Krish to be mine forever and also let him know that I'm his forever. My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. "Coming!" I shouted and went to open the door, and saw a tall brunette struggling with three shopping bags and a big square box.
"Fucking bitch, help me?" she scowled.
"Oh! I'm sorry, Amelia." I took one of the bags from her. Amelia is one of my best friends in Lexington. She, Paige and I are like soul sisters. We both met in my pottery class. Soon, I introduced her to Paige and they both got along very well. Well as you guess, she knows about Krish.
"So, Bella where's your Edward?" she smirked teasingly. Did I ever mentioned that she's a 'Twilight series' freak, especially with Robert Pattinson - Edward and Kristen Stewart - Bella. Sometimes, Paige and I would be tired of her twilight obsession.
I rolled my eyes and let out a heavy sigh at her freaking comment, "He is in the room."
"Really?" She jumped in excitement, "Will just come back?" She headed towards the room.
"Hey! Where are you going?" I blocked her way.
"To meet your boyfriend." She said nonchalantly.
"No, you can't." I dragged her back to the doorway. Sometimes, her so-called childish behaviour would bring the shit out of me.
"Why are you pushing me, away?" She asked shockingly.
"Listen, Amy, I don't have much time to introduce you to him." I sighed, "I have to prepare a lot, within a short period."
"So, you don't need me anymore, right?"
"Do you want to reveal my surprise to him, in advance?" I pouted, wiping my fake tears.
"Oh Baby! Don't cry. I don't want to ruin your special event." She hugged me, "I'll come later." It's very easy to convince Amelia, as she is too sensitive and sweet. "Okay, Bye. Honey, enjoy your night of love." She winked and turned to leave with a smirk.
After closing the door, I unpacked the bags she bought and arranged everything, as I wanted to be. After arranging, everything accordingly I wanted to be and went to see Krish he was sleeping peacefully leaning on the headboard. I slowly tiptoed and placed a kiss on his cheeks and he snuggled.
"Krish," I whispered in his ear.
"Hmmm...." he opened his eyes, "What was..." I cut him off by placing my index finger on his lips.
"Shhhhhh!!!! Come with me." I took his hand and made him follow me to the living room. The whole room was dark and I left him, alone and went to light the artificial candles. The whole room was light up with golden candle lights. I saw him and his face unreadable.
I smiled and took him to the balcony where a big white box was on top of the table. He had a clueless expression on his face. "Open it," I said jitterily.
He did as he was told to do without questioning; his face had an unreadable expression it had love, surprise, shock, happiness and joy. Inside the white box, there was a heart-shaped big red velvet cake in which, For My Mr Flirty was written with blueberry whipped cream.
I sighed heavily and knelt in front of him, "Okay! I know it may not be the best but I try my level best." I said and took a rolled paper tied with a violet satin on its centre. "I don't know how to say it. So I just wrote down whatever I want to say." I handed it to him. He had a confusing look on his face, while he unrolled it. Later, it brightened up and his eyes were glittering with joy as he looked at me and knelt. You may wonder, what I would have written; so here it's for you.
The words which I want to say would never come out if you are in front of me. So I thought of penning it down that you made me fall for your love every single day; even in your presence and absence, you made me feel special. I always wanted to say those words, which you always wanted to hear from me, but I wanted that day to be special for you. For us. When I say it. So I waited and also made you wait for so long, but now I realized that I can't wait anymore. So, I thought of turning this ordinary day into an extraordinary day and making it a remarkable one to us, by penning down this for you;
I thought of leaving you,
Wouldn't be a painful movement.
Thus, I was wrong;
B'cause eyes almost lost its sight;
In searching for you.
The Fragrance of Jasmine; failed to trail the nostrils;
As it's longing to smell you.
The song of the nightingale is no more pleasant to ears;
Because it's hearing yours.
The satin is no smoother, to the skin;
As it feels the smoothness of you.
You know; you know and you do know;
That my soul dies;
When I miss you.
And the departure day,
Would be my last day.
You know; you know and you do know;
I was, I'm and I'll;
Say those words of heart playing on my lips,
And that is;
"I know, it's been three years since we're in a relationship but I haven't taken any step to confess my love and I also know that it's nothing comparing to your surprises. I... I admit that I don't know the exact way to say it, soooo... I just penned down all my words." I let a heavy sigh and continued, "Soooo...... Will you be my love of life and join the journey of love till eter...." before I could complete, a pair of lips crashed mine and I was pulled to sit on a lap.
"I do." He mumbled in between the kiss, "I love you, Princess."
"I love you, too Mr Flirty." I broke the kiss and wrapped my hand around his neck.
"Mr Flirty?" He snorted and he creased his brows in a questioning manner.
"Yeah!" I nodded. "Wait, let me finish, what do I want to say?" narrowed my eyes.
"Okay! Princess. I can't interfere." He chuckled and raised his hand in surrender.
"Krish." I glared at him.
"Okay, Princess Sorry." He held his ears.
I took a deep breath and started with nervousness, "Krish, like every girl I also dreamt that my prince charming would come and pick me off the ground. But I didn't expect that my prince would recognize me before I could. And now I want to take our relationship a step ahead. And I know it's a boy thing" I took a black velvet box from my pant pocket, opened the box facing him, "I want to spend the rest of my life with a man, whom I'll love till eternity. I want you to be the man, whom I want to be mine; who treats me as his queen; with whom I can share all my firsts; who respects me and who loves me as I'm without expecting any changes. And I found all those qualities in you. So, will you be my man and be my knight shining armour?"
When I looked up, his face was unreadable. He knelt, and his eyes were shining with tears.
"Ye... Yes." He nodded, as a tear escaped from his eyes. "I will; I will be yours, my princess. He said and I slide the platinum band into his ring finger and pulled him into a tight embraced hug. He got up and carried me into the room in bride style manner and laid me on the bed, and he too laid beside me and kissed gently and we made our first lovemaking that night, it was one of the most remarkable nights, that made us together. I slowly snuggled into him and he wrapped his hands around my bare waist. That moment, I felt more secure than I ever felt in my life.
"I love you, Princess and I promise that I'll protect you and be your side on all the difficulties. He kissed my hair, I heard him saying as I closed my eyes leaning on his bare chest.
After that night, we often used to make love. And often he used to try to tempt my anger by talking with some random girls or by flirting with my friends, but eventually, he would be the one to get short-tempered by the closeness of me and Mike.

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