Chapter sixteen

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((y/p) means your pronouns)

-Virgil's pov-

A week had passed now and I still hate myself. (me: mood-)

I regret leaving them there.

I miss (y/p).

I want them back, but... I don't know how to do that. If they really are the kid i'm meant to save... how much trouble must I go through for them?

"Virgil, are you alright?"

My head snaps up to look at Logan. When did he get here?

"Oh- uh, yeah, i'm fine," I say, trying to convince myself as well.

"Right... well, it's already four and we've been worrying about you. You don't seem to leave your room as much as you used to," Logan says to me, the words weighing heavily in my mind. They've been... worrying about me?

"Sorry for making you guys worry... i'm alright though," I start, quickly coming up with a lie afterwords. "My anxiety's been acting up more is all, so i've just needed more time to myself,"

Great going Virge, now he'll ask Thomas how he's been feeling and he'll figure out i'm lying.

"Oh, well you know you can always come to us, right? Even if i'm not the greatest with feelings, i'll try my best." Logan says. He stands up an sinks out, leaving me alone again.

(A/n: sorry that it's short but I have little motivation right now. And, great news, i'm genderfluid! I'm going to quickly re-write the chapters a bit, if possible, so they can be more gender-neutral, that way everyone can read it and not just females. And i'm going to write your pov with "you did this", instead of "i did this", if you understand. Anyway, have a nice day lovelies!)

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