Chapter Seventeen

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(:'3 ff1970 anyone?-)

-your pov-

(a/n: sorry for the lack of updates. School started, i'm lacking motivation for most things, I found out i'm a demigirl now,... and I go by Ender now. I still use my birth name, I don't hate it, but I prefer Ender. Anyway, enjoy this chapter, i'll do my best to make it longer than the last two.)

TW: mentions of cutting, shards of glass, starvation, insecurities

You sat alone in your room yet again, only vaguely aware of the sun peaking over the horizon outside your window. A tiny sharp pain of hunger hits your stomach and you wince. You hadn't eaten anything since dinner two nights ago. You didn't feel the need to.

You get up, out of bed, swinging your feet over the edge and touching them to the hard cold floor that sent a shiver up your spine. You roll your shoulders, relieving the tension of a new morning.

You don't bother to open the blinds.

You stand up, putting most weight into your left leg, trying to spare extra stinging from the right. The night hadn't been very kind to you.

This happens sometimes. Even before you met them...

You shake your head, clearing it from the memories just as an announcement comes over the speakers. (Forgive me, idk how this works-)

"There's going to be some visitors coming to adopt today. I want everyone dressed, ready, and in the main hall by two."

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention; it's currently 1pm. That gives you a hour.

You sigh, running a hand through your hair momentarily. You pull out your phone, quickly looking up the weather.

17 degrees celcius now, 20 degrees in two hours.

"Dammit," you say under your breath and through your teeth. "Either I suffer in pants, or I try to.... I can't. Suffering it is,"

You walk, or more limp than walk, over the dresser and open the bottom drawer.

Pants, I need pants. You think to yourself.

You end up finding a cute black pair of pants. Score.

You look through the other drawers, pulling out a few things.

The outfit looked pretty good, not going to lie.

It looked something like this:

(for the ones who wanted a feminine outfit^)

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(for the ones who wanted a feminine outfit^)

(for the ones who wanted a feminine outfit^)

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