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| Chapter Twenty-four |[17k+ words](A/N: I split chapters again because wow tbh I really overwrite most of the time 😭 pretty calm chapter actually)

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| Chapter Twenty-four |
[17k+ words]
(A/N: I split chapters again because wow tbh I really overwrite most of the time 😭 pretty calm chapter actually)

| Chapter Twenty-four |[17k+ words](A/N: I split chapters again because wow tbh I really overwrite most of the time 😭 pretty calm chapter actually)

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"It affects you like this," she said softly.

He strained his grin through a grimace from the headache, "Yeah. I admit, it does."

She didn't comment, unsure of what exactly to say next. Her lips parted slightly to speak but he casually cut in.

"You're funnily curious about me."

"I hope it doesn't repulse you if I admit that?" she said, brows still knotted from her lingering concern.

"Repulse?" he clicked his tongue amusedly, both of them still crouching but at least his expression had lightened a bit, "Not that, I guess. Not sure too, if I should've admitted or said anything about that."

Maybe it just came out because of the push from his intense headache.

"It affects you too, doesn't it." he tiredly raised both brows.

"Yeah." she mistakenly thought that she had gotten rid of her sensitivity to explosions. It wasn't easy when the experiences were rooted deep in her spirit, heart, memory, mind and head. "That being said —"

"That's why," he grunted quietly and she was pulled closer.

His grip was tighter than usual on her arm; he was also holding onto her from the pain in his head, and her deep gaze simply locked with his. He hissed quietly again but his dark eyes hazed with burning, unsaid words. Fierce. Intimidating in a way, but vulnerable. It thinly struck uncertainties in her chest.

"That's why you — we — that's why we have to get to the bottom of all this no matter what."

She only returned his firm gaze. Not breaking away even when the car lights would blindingly shine in their fields of vision in the corner of the eyes.

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