It was completely burned...Nothing left of the family.

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*5 Years Later*

*Enji/Endeavor's POV*

My agency has been low on call-outs with villains staying on the down-low. This isn't a good sign. It means we're either about to be filled to the brim with cases or something of a massive scale is going to happen. Inko believes I'm on a business trip right now, I couldn't risk her being involved. Another reason I lied to her was that I'm being forced to do more things with me and Rei's family. Fuyumi has become convincing which is good seeing as she wants to be a lawyer. Natsuo wants to be a doctor, so when I home-school him, sometimes I'll give him extra lessons on biology or general science. Touya and Shoto meanwhile, both want to be heroes. Whenever they start talking about their dream, I can't help but imagine how much they could bond as brothers with Izuku. They became extremely close after they publicly admitted they both wanted to be like me in a family interview.

I felt a sudden pit in my stomach as my desk phone rang. I immediately stretched out to answer. "Hello. Is this Endeavor's agency?" An unfamiliar voice asked. I tried not to sound too worried and more professional as I answered, "Yes, it is. How do you need our help?" "There's a fire in a civilian home. It belongs to the Midoriya's: Inko Midoriya; Enji Midoriya; and Izuku Midoriya." I'm suddenly very glad that I never revealed my forename to the public. "I'll go to the site now. There are already reports containing the address." I lied smoothly through my teeth. I knew that this would be a good cover considering soon there would be reports to back up my claim. Hanging up the phone, I began giving out orders to the side kicks in the building while using the boosters in my feet to fly to my own home.

I can sense the familiar feeling of desperation engulfing me as I put more of my energy into my boosters, time is of the essence and I don't know what I would do if something happened to my 2nd family. I arrived at my home generally 9 minutes after I ended the phone call suddenly hyper-aware of how much space I had put between my agency and home in an attempt to keep my job a secret from my wife. The flames were...huge, massive strokes of red and orange dancing around a place I called home. There was no way this was an accident, I grit my teeth against each other and stared at the sky my eyes ablaze with anger, someone did this on purpose and I'll be damned if I don't exhaust my resources to find who did this! I'd give up my entire career to just give justice to the person who did this to the people I loved!

I was able to stop and eliminate the fire after 15 minutes, manipulating it and then absorbing it into my hero costume. In any other situation, it would've taken twice that amount of time, but I was in a rush. I just want to hear that my wife and son are okay. I ran into the house. There wasn't anything inside which wasn't charred. Searching the house, there was nothing I could find. I saw a burnt headpiece on the ground right in front of the back door. I had given it to Inko for our 5th anniversary. I felt a lump in my throat and too many emotions hit me at once.  I wanted to scream in pain but couldn't. My voice refused to work-it wouldn't cooperate with what my brain ordered in the slightest. The horrible truth rendered me unable to make a sound.

Inko, my dear wife who I truly loved, was gone. Forever. She was dead and Izuku was with her. Both had left and I would never see them again.

No..... That's wrong. Izuku wasn't dead. That was impossible because of his quirk. His quirk made him immune to fire. So that means he's missing. I walked around the house to find the best detective in the city, Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi talking with a witness in front of the house. I spoke up telling him I couldn't find anything. I told him that the boy at least was alive because of his quirk. Tsukauchi was confused that I knew the boy's quirk so before he could ask, I said that Izuku was going to be my apprentice and had a Pyrokinesis quirk making him invulnerable to flames. Naomasa's quirk made him a human lie detector, even if he did use his quirk, I was planning on making Izuku my apprentice.

*Naomasa Tsukauchi's POV*

After what Endeavor told me, I researched the family a bit. The father, Enji Midoriya, had never been seen aside from the Midoriyas themselves and close family friends, including Rei Todoroki (Endeavor's wife) and Mistuki Bakugo, both who Inko had met in middle school and had children of their own. Inko Midoriya, the mother, was a housewife and caring mother. She was known to be kind-hearted and caring, no one who had met her could even say anything bad about her and a lot of tears were shed over her death. Now, Izuku Midoriya, the son, was 9 years old and had a Pyrokenisis quirk. Endeavor was right in everything when it came to the boy's quirk, the boy has to be alive since he's invulnerable to fire. There was little I could do but announce both parents dead and the child (now an orphan missing)

Before I had conducted my research I did a quick sweep of the home which couldn't help with me learning more about the since it was completely burned...nothing was left of the family.

*993 Words*

I changed this chapter since it didn't fit in and I wanted to upgrade it. The storyline is the same anyway.

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