His new home and new choice.

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Welcome to Arete Vigilante Deku Chapter 4: His new home and new choice.

~Izuku's pov~

After All for One killed my mother and I ran from Musutafu I knew what I want, no, what I need to do. I'd have to kill All For One! No matter what! He's hurt so many people! Ruined thousands if not millions of lives! He doesn't deserve the power that was handed to him on a silver platter. He's caused so much pain and suffering. I don't want him to do that any longer. The problem is, right now I'm not anywhere near strong enough. Not to mention, I don't think I could bring myself to come out of hiding to live with my father. There were too many dangers in living with him and I didn't want my dad to get hurt.

He had explained everything to me after I revealed to him that I knew about his other family. He and Rei, who insisted I think of her as an auntie, introduced me to everyone as Dad's nephew and their cousin. I bonded most with Touya-nii. I could relate with him the most and even gave him and Shoto-san some pointers on their quirks and creative ways to use them effectively. I told Fuyumi- Rei-san was even surprised. After Dad explained everything, I had grown a loathing hate for my grandparents and Rei-san's parents. They forced Dad and Auntie Rei into a quirk marriage for their own benefit!!

I know I can't be a hero, from now on, I'll be known as 'missing' so it would seem strange if I suddenly reappeared to try to join a hero school after 7 years. How else can I help people?

Wait! I could be a vigilante, and if I can do it right, I could make it so they have no basis to arrest me. If I make it so I don't use my quirk and I only fight in self-defence, they can't tell me what I'm doing is against the law! It's the perfect plan! Plus I don't have to wait years to start helping people!

I start wondering around so I can know where I am and learnt I'm currently in Coriaell, a city around 4 hours away from Musutafu. There aren't many places I could go. Coriaell is a popular city with expensive housing. I remember once reading an article about Malochi Beach. Apparently, it used to be one of the most picturesque places in Northern Japan before tourists started using it as a dumping ground for their trash. Dagobah Beach in Musutafu has a similar situation, but Malochi has much more trash and a much more beautiful view in comparison. With the amount of trash there, there could definitely be enough spare stuff I could make into a vigilante costume and moving it all will definitely help my muscles. It will be really good strength training for me. Lucky for me, I'm close to the town square.

Walking there only took a small matter of minutes. As I expected, the main market was filled with tourists and residents alike. Japan was a unique country in fact it has two capital cities: Tokyo, which specialises in tourists attractions, food establishments and business; Coriaell, which specialises in manufacturing (factories and such), education and it had the most secure places in the world, including Tartarus (the most secure villain containment building created), U.A (The school with the best hero and support courses in the world) and Bank Goneos (the most secure bank in the world where the richest and most important individuals store their currency and/or valuables). Coriaell is the location of the best heroics school, U.A. The chances of getting into any course at all are extremely low with less than 5% of the applicants being accepted. The hero course has an even lower acceptance rate at 0.2% making most applicants give up before the exams even start.

Though for those who have the significant determination or those who come from hero families (or in Izuku's case, both) they don't let those factors deter them from trying and pushing to join the prestigious school. That's the kind of person I want to be, someone who doesn't care about the odds, someone who will save others just because they can, for no other reason. This world and the heroes in it have grown corrupt over the decades. Heroes have started to do this job for the money or the fame, no honourable reason, just greed. They could care less for the weaker people of society and only pay attention to the 'strong' those with 'heroic' or strong quirks. In reality, every quirk is strong in its own way, none are 'heroic' none are 'villainous' any quirk can be used for any purpose. It's the owner who uses the quirk who decides the purpose of their quirk through their actions and morals. I'm getting sidetracked.

Malochi Beach is actually to the west which is the opposite of Musutafu. Musutafu is to the East of Corieall, further into the island, while Corieall is to the West, closer to the Pacific Ocean. This works perfectly for me since it will be easier for me to avoid the police. Technically, I'm missing.

I understand what the article meant when it said 'Malochi beach has grown to become a dumping ground for locals. Tourists believe to have suffered a great loss.' The beach was a complete and utter MESS! This is one of the worst-looking places I've ever seen! How could people once call this place beautiful? This does go in my favour, I'll definitely be able to find things I'll need.

Money will be pretty hard to get especially since I'm 'missing' and probably will get the cops called on me. When Dad found out about my true intelligence, he enrolled me on a variety of courses online so I could get a lot of experience and find more hobbies. Before the fire, I had been at upper-high-school-level mechanics. If I wanted I could build some pretty cool (and dangerous) items. Using the broken appliances and parts, I could upgrade/repair the gadgets and then sell them! It's a pretty smart way to earn money. I can sell the more...threatening items to heroes or police officers so they can save more people. Vigilantism is my only option right now.

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