chapter forty-eight

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Racing towards a fire, Haustin squinted his eyes against yet another blinding headache

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Racing towards a fire, Haustin squinted his eyes against yet another blinding headache. His withdrawal symptoms were lessening. No more bouts in front of the toilet, but the aches and pains remained. His heart fluttered from time to time, skipping beats and causing him to pause and catch his breath. What scared him most was wondering if it was pill-related or Ground Zero related. Wouldn't it be just his luck? At a great place in his life only to be hit with cancer?

"Do we need to bring anything tomorrow night?" he asked Abel, replacing his morbid worries.

"Are you a 'we' again already?" Abel asked with a grin. He was having a barbecue the next night, and somehow, Lindsey had agreed to go with Haustin. It'd be their first public appearance together. Other than the make-out session they had at Bill's party.

"Lindsey and I are working on things. We're on the road to being a 'we'."

"Good for you, man." Abel paused. "Would it be tacky to ask Yael to bake me some goodies? I mean, I don't have to choose sides in the break-up, do I?"

"There are no sides. Yael and I are going to stay friends. Go ahead and give her a call. I'm sure she'd love to do it."

Alex looked pointedly at Abel's stomach. "Not sure you need to be indulging in that many treats."

"This," he patted his pouch, "is all muscle. You're just jealous, meathead."

"The only muscle you have is in your ass," Haustin tossed out. "And you do know her stuff is vegan and organic, right?"

Abel's smirk fell. "What do you mean? Vegan, as in vegetable? But her cupcakes have frosting."

"As in healthy and without eggs, gluten, processed chemicals, or any animal by-products," Alex told him.

For a few seconds, Abel regarded Haustin and Alex, giving them a thorough stare. Then he burst into a raucous laugh. "Nice try. You guys almost had me. Nothing good for you tastes that delicious."

Haustin shared a shrug with Alex.

"Shit," Captain Welch swore from the front seat of the rig.

"What's up, Cap?" Abel called out.

The older man turned with a grim look, the gaze landing squarely on Haustin. "We're headed to a vacant building owned by Malkah Enterprises Enterprises."

"Damn," Alex swore. "Probably that damn arsonist again."

"Hopefully, we catch the bastard," Abel added.

Haustin didn't contribute. He turned his attention to the neighborhood. No way. They were only two blocks from Yael's building, the one she was opening her shop in. As far as he knew, it was the only Malkah Enterprises property in Midtown. A hard rock settled in his gut, knowing how fiercely protective she was of the structure and how many dreams she had of her place. His heart broke for her.

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