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Dear diary,


"Dream- a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep, often a way for the subconscious mind to process events that happened over the day."

I've always liked the night; it's serene. It's perhaps the only time where a mind as wild and as old as mine may rest ... well if you're lucky. You see, sometimes I dream, it's rare but it happens. I never once found peace in dreams, thoughts... thoughts that I guess would be classified as memories. The memories that I have suppressed to the deepest parts of my mind. The memories that could make a person wish to die. In my dreams I am haunted by the lives I've lived, the people I've lost, the people I've killed...

And this was one of those nights; where these dreams came to haunt me. But it was as if the memories had left my head and were being played out right before my eyes.

Tonight I was trapped in my mind. I could not escape. Dream after dream after dream all tormenting with ghosts of the people I used to hold close to my heart.



Paris, France, 1908


The blissful metallic taste of blood fills my mouth as I barry my fangs into a man's neck. Everything else fades away. The sounds of the busy streets of Paris completely disappear. The faint smell of trash coming from the dumpster a little way down the dark alley that shielded me from the eyes of passers by. All that's there is the wonderfully metallic taste and the feeling of ecstasy it provides.

A feeling and addiction stronger than any drug or alcohol could provide. A feeling that makes it nearly impossible to pay attention to anything else, including the slowing heartbeat of your victim.

The only thing that has ever pulled me out of such a state is the sudden lack of blood flowing from the bite in their neck.

As soon as the blood stops rushing into my body I step back from the wall I held the man against and let his now lifeless body fall. I run my finger over my bottom lip collecting the blood that sat there. I lick it off, smiling to myself still relishing in the ecstasy that feeding gives.

Just then I hear a small whimper. I look down at the man but he is definitely dead. Then I hear the sound again coming from further down the alley. I follow the sound and find a young girl curled up in a ball behind a dumpster.

"S'il vous plaît," she whispers.

I grab the girl by her arm, pull her up and pin her to the wall putting my hands on either side of her so she has nowhere to go.

"Well well, what do we have here?" I ask, giving the girl a threatening smile.

The girl looks young, no older than 15. Her kinky hair is bunched on top of her head in a less than flattering bun and the plain white dress she wears is covered in dust and torn at the hem.

"What are you dining out here so late at night. It's not safe for young girls to be roaming the streets of Frans at this hour. You might run into a big scary man." I bare my fangs, my eyes turning a deep shade of red.

She screams "Please, please, don't kill me!"

"Aww don't scream mon amour, it will only make it harder on yourself."

I bite into her neck. The familiar feeling begins to take me over but before I can fully submerge myself into it a sharp pain strikes my head.

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