Pilot - Edited.

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Dear diary,

"Loneliness - a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation."

Loneliness is a feeling I have grown all too familiar with. A feeling I have felt from the day I was born.

The reason that this insufferable feeling crept into my life and eats away at my soul is partially my fault. By the way I live my life and the people I choose to live it with. But the rest, the part that is completely out of my control, is who I was born to be and what I was born to do.

Over the years, my family's love for one another slowly soured and turned to hatred and manipulation for power. I was not blind to that fact, yet I stayed. I stayed, hoping the love we once shared would be restored. It wasn't until 1492 that I realized how truly broken we were and that there was no chance in hell for restoration.

That's why I left my family all those years ago, the only life I knew. I wanted ... No, I needed to start over in a new town, with new people, and a brand new identity. I've been on the run for years, knowing the second I stopped he would find me and I would end up daggered and put in a box, like many of my siblings.

But it's been over 500 years and I'm exhausted. So I fled to the only place in this world that I knew for a fact my family would never return. Not even to look for me. The town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. I heard an old friend of mine was in town. But even at that I am surprised myself that I was able to return.


Walking around, I slowly began to realize there is just simply nothing to do in this little town. I decide I'm hungry and give up my search for entertainment. A few minutes later I find the local pub. It's 3:00 in the afternoon and I'm attempting to stay under the radar so I figured anyone drinking at a pub at this time would be an easy target and most people would easily forget them.

I walk in and take a seat at the bar. "Bourbon," I say simply to the bartender who immediately pours me a drink. I take a sip of the liquid and savor the burning sensation as it begins on my tongue and travels down my throat. Turning my head, I saw a man gawking at me, desire clear in his eyes.

He winks at me. I give him a smirk in return, batting my lashes, then looking back at my drink. He scoots down the bar, stretches out a hand, and touches my leg. Starting at my knee and moving its way up and up.

"Hey little lady. You from around here?" he says, speech slurred from the alcohol consumption that I can smell clear as day on his breath.

I look deep into his eyes. "Come with me," I say, grabbing him by the arm and guiding him outside. I pull him to the alleyway behind the bar, The Gill, I think it's called. He pushes me to the wall and begins to kiss me.

I hear his heart rate climbing higher and higher as the man proceeds to move his lips against mine. The smell of the blood pumping through his veins enters my nose making me smile in satisfaction.

I grab him by the neck, using my strength I spin us around shoving him onto the wall. At first a wave of shock crosses his face but is quickly replaced by a grin. "Oh, the little lady likes it ruff."

"Oh you have no idea," I say looking into his eyes once more. "Don't scream.''

Feeling the veins darken under my eyes and the fangs protrude from my gums as the hunger within me grows to what appears a million times what it was before.

A look of pure panic covers the man's face as he attempts to scream, but can't seem to make a sound. I dig my teeth into the man's neck until I draw blood, the warm liquid spilling into my mouth as the sweet metallic taste floods my senses.

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