The ritual

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Dear diary,


"Promise - is a binding pledge from one person to another to do, or not to do, some specific action."

Have you ever done something you promised yourself you would never do? Something so wrong, yet feels so right. Something that would hurt someone you care for, or maybe even yourself? Well, if you have, then I'm sure you can related to the notion that it is the epitome of felling shity.

The ritual is approaching faster and faster every second. The more I think about it, the more I become afraid. Of what I'm not sure, the ancestors, Niklaus, Myself... Whatever it is, it's crippling.

There is this strange mix of emotions stirring inside my head. Ones that completely contradict each other. I promised that I would always protect Nikaus after what he did for me, saving me from Dahil and all. And here I was, plotting his death. Yes, it was for the greater good, but is the greater good worth making myself a lier?

I guess we'll find out.


"Is that what you want," Stefan asked me.

"No, yes... no. I don't know," I say, genuinely baffled by my own emotions. "All I know is that I don't want to kill Elena. But I'm scared of what they will do to me if I disobey them."

"I thought nothing could kill you," he asked genuinely concerned.

"Maybe not but they sure have ways of making me wish they could... they threatened me with the person I wish to see least."



"The witch that raised you?"

"You remembered?"

"Of cores. When an Original tells you about someone even they are afraid of you tend to remember," he Jokes trying to make light.

"Claire we're going to stop Klaus, and Damon and I will protect you from anyone that tries to hurt you. Ok?" he puts his hand on my back.

"I'm not Elena you know, I don't need your protection," I smile at him. poking fun at her neediness.

"I know, it was more ceremonial I guess," he laughs


After my conversion with Stefan, I felt a bit better about tonight. Don't get me wrong I was still worded as hell. So, I decided to let some steam out and get a drink.

I walk into the Grill, thoughts thick in my head forming a seemingly unbreakable cloud, and head to the bar. I just hope a few drinks will thin it.

"Day drinking?" I hear a familiar voice say over by the bar.

I look over and see Ric and Damon drinking, participating in what seems like the biggest pity party of the year.

"I'm surrounded by idiots. so," he answers, taking a sip of his drink. Even though I got him to agree to the plan, he still doesn't think it's smart, and for that, I couldn't blame him.

"It could work you know," Ric told him.

"Doubtful," Damon replies.

Ric sips his drink. "You know you're not helping."

"Oh, what's this I see. A drinking party with my two favorite people and not one thought to invite me," I smile, making my presence known as I sit in the seat in between the two.

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