Family oh family

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After school, Caroline, Bonnie, and I decided to go to the mall to find an outfit for tonight's dinner. We only have one mall in town, and the choices there aren't the best, but I needed a little girl time.

"I can not believe you're seriously going to his thing tonight," Caroline says as she eats one of the cinnamon sugar pretzel nuggets she insisted on buying earlier.

"Well, I didn't really have a choice," I tell her as we walk into an encouraging looking dress shop.

"Yes, you did. You could have said no," Bonnie says.

"Yes, technically, I could have. But Elijah claims he has a plan, so here I am." I shrug my shoulders, choosing to leave out the part of the plan I was most interested in, the part where the rest of my former family would be freed of their coffins prisons. For some reason, I don't think the two would take light to 6 originals running around out there.

"Right, his plan to get rid of Klaus," Bonnie says, annoyed. "I don't know if you remember Clarie, but we had a plan to get rid of him, a good plan, and Elijah messed that up."

"Well, he won't this time."

"How could you possibly know that," Bonnie asks, sipping her drink.

"Because you don't know the whole story. There's a reason Elijah didn't kill Klaus. He has this way of manipulating people to do whatever he wants in the weirdest ways," I say. Browsing through the items on the shelf. "You don't even see it coming."

"Well, I for one, just can't wait for him to leave. If this diner party works, that is." Caroline says.

"Me too," I sigh as I pick up a beautiful, flowy, burgundy dress.


I walk into the living room, bags in hand, ready to grab a blood bag, and head upstairs to get ready for the evening. It's still a bit early for that, but I want some much-needed time alone in peace before the tormenting diner begins. But that plan quickly went out the window when I saw who was in that room.

Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Elijah were all sitting on the furniture. But one other person was sitting in the corner. I can not see her face, but she wore a white top, a cropped leather jacket with black leggings, and tall black stilettos that looked similar to the ones I had on the day before. The woman was decorated in jewelry that seemed quite expensive. She had fair skin and hair. She sat tall and proud like she was ready to take on the world but sort of gave off the vibe that the world wasn't quite ready for her.

When the girl turns her head, I know immediately who she is. It was none other than Rebekah Mikaelson. Her new look almost made me not recognize her face. The last time I saw her was in the 1400s. She looks so different grown-up almost even though she can't age. I must say her look now suits her well.

I drop my bags to the ground. "Rebekah?'' I say in a hushed voice of disbelief. "Oh my god! how are you?" I run over to hug her.

"I'm fine, but I'd be better if you weren't here," she says unamused.

I stop in my tracks. "What?"

"Rebekah," Elijah warns as if telling her to stop.

"No, Elijah, she left us, she disowned us, she doesn't want us here. Frankly, I don't know how the hell you stay in a room with her without wanting to rip her head off."

"Rebekah, that's not fair. I did not have a choice, and how can I disown a family that never truly saw me as one of them." I defend my actions.

"Now wait, hold on, what are you talking about?" Elijah asks me, looking very conveyed as he stands and takes a step closer to me.

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