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you were laying in your bed, bored, scrolling on instagram while yelena was out at the compound. you came across this prank page on insta and just fell down a rabbit hole of watching all the prank videos, which gave you an idea. you decided you were gonna prank yelena wit some of these pranks. you were trying to think of the best one you could do on her, "air horn on the door, no" "flipping cups of water over, no" you thought to your self. "what something yelena rly loves" you said while petting her dog fanny. your eyes open wide knowing exactly what your gonna do to prank yelena.

you set up your whole plan. you're gonna hide fanny is your closest and try to keep her to stay quite so she doesn't ruin the prank, then you're gonna call yelena in tears saying how you lost fanny and can't find her anywhere, and just abt when yelena is going to do something dumb "cause you know she is" your gonna let fanny out of the closet. you thought this was going to be the best prank ever, not thinking of how yelena would get back at you later.

now it's time to put your plan in action. you put fanny in the closet wit toys and and a treat knowing she would be occupied enough to stay quite, now you just have to start balling and call yelena, here goes nothing, you force your self to cry, and you make sure your crying rly hard so it seems believable, now you get on the phone wit yelena. you grab your phone and call yelena contact, she answered pretty fast, "hey baby what's up" "lena" you say in the most heartbreaking voice you can come up wit "yea is everything ok baby, what's wrong" she answer back very worried. "i-i lost fanny. i don't know where she went. i took her on a walk and the leash got lose an- and she got away. i-i'm so so sry baby" you say bawling into the phone. "it's ok baby i'm coming home right now. we will find her" "o-ok love you" "love you too" you had a feeling that would be the last time you heard those words in a while.

yelena got home so quickly not even 10 minutes later you heard key jingle in the door. yelena run sing the house "baby are you ok, come on we need to go find her" yelena say worried but also like she's on the run" "i looked everywhere, i don't know where she could be, i'm so sry" you said sympathetically. yelena went quite and you could feel the bad idea brewing in her brain. "how abt we call animal rescuers see if they can help to" she said and immediately got her phone out. you didn't know if you should stop this or let it keep going, just for laughs. yelena got on the phoen wit animal rescue and then you decided you were going to stop this. you walk away into your shared bedroom and opened the closet door and fanny ran right out to the living room, and you followed her. there you saw and dumbstruck yelena still on the phone wit animal rescue, looking like she was abt to kill someone. "actually nevermind we found her, thanks for your help anyway, bye" yelena said before hanging up the phone. you smiled trying to calm yelena down before your the one who goes missing. "aha pranked" you said quietly just to lighten the mood, which didn't work. yelena walked over to you and you knew this was the end for you. "как ты мог это сделать? я думал что она ушла" you knew the yelling in russian wasn't a good sign. "hey baby i'm sry, it was mean i'm sry" you say as you slowly start backing away. "since you like pranks so much, here's one, your sleeping on the couch and fanny can have your side of the bed, aha prank" yelena said back wit a lot of attitude in her voice. "hey baby i sry" you said as you wrapped you arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. yelena rolled her eyes and held you back "i love you" you said "i love you too" yelena mumbled, "your still sleeping on the couch though" yelena said know looking at you "yea we will see abt that" you said as you help her tighter.

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