widows pt.2

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you and yelena soon realized what this gas was. it was the antidote that would free you from mind control. you both soon had to figure out how to get the other widows under mind control off. as you both walked to a small apartment or safe house in that matter you asked yelana a question. "lena how are we going to free that many girls. there are thousands planted around the world." you asked yelena wit a quite serious tone in your voice. "i think i have an idea, but idk if it will work." yelena said not really paying attention to you but very focused on this plan of hers. "ok well what ever it is, it need to be good and needs to happen fast." you said as opened the door. "idk about the fast part but if she helps us it will definitely be good." yelena said back as she walk into her room.

yelena was out for a while and when she came back she didn't have the vials, you were assuming what ever her plan was, what she still hasn't fully told you, worked. you could tell yelena was exhausted by the way her faced looked, hiding from the red room was hard enough, but now that you know you had very valuable object life got tiresome. yelena has never been a very touchy person, but wit you she was very comfortable. "come here" you said to the tired blonde standing in front of you. yelena sat down in front of you, cause she knew what you were doing, and you started rubbing her shoulders. like always she was tense at first but soon relaxed.

you never thought yelena as a sister, you thought of her more but never discussed it. you had a feeling she felt the same way but you just kept it to your self. "so where did you go today?" you asked "i had to drop something off, don't worry." she said back trying to give you little context as possible. you didn't ask anymore questions just because you didn't rly wanna know. "i think we're about to get in to a load of trouble." yelena said to you, and now your starting to worry. you started to think of ever way your life could already become harder. "you hungery lena." you asked and yelena shook her head. "wanna order something?" you asked, "yea sure, i'm fine wit what ever." "ok well how abt pizza?" she agreed and you ordered the food. you might be trained assassins on the run but you both loved pizza.

you both ate and were laying on the couch. you head was eating in yelena lap and she was playing wit your hair. you could tell she was looking at you but you didn't say anything. you just kept watching the tv. you fell asleep in yelena's lap and you were guessing she carried you to bed cause when you woke up that morning you were in your bed and yelena was asleep right next to you. you were quite surprised by this, plus the fact that you head was on her shoulder and she didn't move you off. you quietly snuck out of the room to get ready in the bathroom when you heard the bathroom door open. you guessing it was yelena so you didn't think much of it, but when a red head walked in you lost it. "natasha?" you said surprised, concerned, and kinda mad. "why are you here." you said it a quite annoyed tone. "why do you think i'm here. where lena?" she said back wit an attitude. "i have no clue why your here and she in the bedroom."  nat walked off and you closed and locked the door. you stared at your self in the mirror question why, nat of all people, is in your house. after a while you realized nat was the person yelena sent the vials too.

after a while you walked out of the bathroom and nat was across the room and yelena was in the kitchen getting shots. you sat at the table near yelena, and yelena being the protector she is, came over and placed her hands on your shoulder. "why did you send me these." nat asked as she put the vials on the table. "because we need your help." yelena said walking away, you knew where she was going so you followed her. "what are they and why didn't you two just to it." nat pointed at you both as she followed you in the room. you still haven't said a word. you got your backpack, shoving things into it you think your gonna need. "it's antidote that's break mind control. that's the way dreykov is controlling his widows." yelena explained to natasha, but just as nat went to say something widows broke into your safe house. you looked at yelena and nodded. "nat let's go." you said to nat and yelena went to go get the vials from the table.

you all got out of the building and there was one widow chasing you three. you all got away but the widow fell as you tried to escape. nat being the person she is tried to help the widow, but since dreykov protocol she had to terminate herself. "see this is what we're talking abt." you said to nat as you took her hand and ran to the motorcycle. you all got away and thought you were safe until you and yelena saw the taskmaster. you knew this wasn't going to be good. you and yelena knowing what was going to happen, tried to get away as best as you good but didn't get to far. the taskmaster has now blown up your motorcycle and you were all tumbling down the stairs into the train station . "wait, i'm hurt." yelena said crawling to her feet. " not now lena, let's go." you said grabbing her hand and following nat. nat got into this crawl space in the train station and pulled yelena up, then helped you. yelena was tying her arm wit a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding. "well this is cozy." you said. "yea me and clint barton spend 10 days hiding up here." nat said looking around remembering things. "who and why?" you asked. "when i escaped the red room, dreykov sent people to look for me. so me and him spend 10 days up here before we even left budapest." she explained. you could tell yelena didn't like this topic so you didn't ask anymore questions. yelena laid her head on your shoulder, probably from the loss of blood, but you like to thing other wise.

you, yelena, and nat were now somewhere at a gas station. you were cleaning up yelena cut and nat was bring over drinks. you started to pour vodka on the cut when nat sat down wit three beers in her hand. "owww." yelena said as she looked at you. "sorry" you said in a sweet tone. "so when did you two escaped." you didn't say anything you just let yelena take over. "the vials we have, thats how. we were on a mission to retrieve them when a widow exposed just to the gas." yelena explained. "so this is all because of me?" you chuckled and shook your head. "yea because of you the red room got even worse. they had to use mind control to make sure no one got out again." you said. you went gonna lie. nat being here you didn't like, but you knew she could help so you kept quite. you finished wrapping up yelena wound and did the think you always did. "and a kiss to help it heal." you said as you kissed yelena's bandage. "so you need my help to help free the other widows?" nat asked. you both shook you heads as you walked over to your chair next to yelena. yelena put her arm around you and pulled you closer. you could tell she didn't fully trust nat again, i mean neither did you. "you two seem closer." nat said. "yes i mean when the oldest sister up and leaves the other tend to get closer." you said wit as much attitude as you could. "i'm sorry ok. i thought you two would of got out as well." nat answered back. "bullshit. you just didn't want us to come along wit you." yelena snapped back. the three of you were silent after that. "ok how about this. i help you take down the red room and free the widows, then you can join me and become avengers. deal?" nat proposed. "how do we know you not gonna just leave again?" you questioned her not fully believing her. "because this time i want to stay." she said back whole heartedly. you and yelena looked at eachother, knowing that you both agreed to this. "fine we will do it." yelena said back to nat.

the three of you were now in another safe house. you were all sitting on the ground next to eachother trying to track down the red room. your head was resting on yelena shoulder as her head was resting on yours. you slowly started to drifted off but not fully as you could still understand what was going on around you. "you like her don't you." nat said. "shut up nat." yelena said back. "ik you always had. i could tell even when we were small. why don't you ask her." you heard nat say. "because i don't want to ruin what we have. if she doesn't like me like that way i will be crushed if she don't talk to me anymore." yelena answered back to nat. "yelena your so dumb. she likes you back i can tell." nat said to yelena wit a dumb tone in her voice. "you think?" yelena said really wishing nat was right. "believe me. y/n likes you as well." nat said and you could feel yelena smile. "oh wait i think i got something." nat said and as she said that you pretended to wake up. "really what?' yelena asked. "coordinations, i think." nat said them out loud and you started thinking. that's in the sky, the red room base is in the sky. you explained this to the girls and they realized it to. you know what, whatever you three were getting your self into it wasn't going to be easy.

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