Chapter 15

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Third person POV
As the three girls arrived the flower shop, Yeji and Lia started to clean and were ready to start a new day working. Chaeryeong has been sitting at the counter in the dining area for hours. Honestly, Chaeryeong didn’t feel good at all. After what happened last night, her mind keeps on thinking about the two robbers. She can’t live there anymore, obviously it has turn out to a dangerous place for her.
Fortunately, Lia was informed that the two robbers were already caught by the police officers. The robber didn’t manage to steal any valuables, since the policemen arrived at the scene on a perfect timing. The robbers didn’t have time to escape.
Yeji’s POV
The shop today is crowded with people too. Lia, Yuna and I were so busy walking around servicing our customers. Even though I’m busy, I still managed to take small glances at Chaeryeong. I’m worried about her. For a timid girl like her, I’m sure she isn’t feeling well since the incident last night.
She kept having nightmares in the middle of the night yesterday. She shouts every time she woke up from her nightmare, “Stop chasing me!” “Help me!” “Don’t hurt me!”. I could imagine how bad she’s feeling now.
After a whole day of work, I finally get to rest, sitting at the cafe area counter. Lia had left a few minutes ago, she’s having a important family reunion today.
Yuna had left too, Ryujin just picked her up. Only Chaeryeong and I were left in the shop. I cleaned the cafe area a bit and start to pack up my things.
“Chaeryeong-ah, let’s go to your house later and pack some of your personal belongings” I said while looking at Chaeryeong.

“Why?” she asked in confusion.

“I’ve decided you to stay at my home, at least for now, until you find another house for yourself to live in. It’s not safe, you know that. And I’m worried about you.” I replied to her, giving her a smile.

“Thanks for your offer unnie, but I can’t be disturbing your personal space, I don’t-” I cut her off.

“I don’t mind Chaeryeong. Your safety is more important than my own personal space. Plus, I’ve been living alone for years now, wouldn’t it be better to have someone that could accompany me too?” I looked at her and she kept silent.

“Chaeryeong-ah, I don’t want to see you running on the street crying or having bad nightmares in the middle of the night again. It worries me a lot” I continued my sentence, patting her shoulder.

She nodded at me, smiling. “Thank you unnie” she replied to me.

Chaeryeong’s POV
Yeji unnie and I reached my house after we packed our things and left the shop. My body is shaking again. Standing outside my house here reminds me of how terrified I am last night. It’s like the worst nightmare for me. I hate it so much.
Yeji unnie wrapped her hand around my shoulders, holding me tight to comforts me when she noticed how scared I am. We went inside and she followed me up to the stairs to my bedroom.
I took out two luggage and started to pack my belongings in. I packed my clothes and stuffs in the big luggage while the others like my laptop and documents that I need for work in the smaller luggage.
It took a little while for me to pack and organize my things. After I finished packing, Yeji unnie and I left my house and went back to the apartment. I placed my luggage in her room and Yeji unnie came in.
“Chaeryeong-ah, let’s go for dinner now” she said as she smiled sweetly, looking at me. I nodded as response.
It’s 7:10pm at the moment and we are having our dinner in a restaurant near Yeji unnie’s apartment.

“Let’s have a walk at the park later” she said. I nodded while eating. We left the restaurant and honestly, I wasn’t feeling that good when Yeji unnie payed for the dinner, again.

Thinking what happened just now, I was about to pay but only to know that Yeji unnie had already payed for us earlier. I felt sorry for unnie, she offered me to live in her apartment together, she looks after me and she’s paying for dinner.

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