Chapter 21

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(A/N: Happy Lia Day once again🎉🎊 I hope our lovelya will be happy and healthy as always💙 I've been a midzy since their debut and Lia had always been improving a lot🥺 I hope she knows how well she is and keep on going everyday to be better and better😌💫)


Chaeryeong’s POV
I’m so happy today because Yeji unnie and I went to the amusement park. I spent the whole day with Yeji unnie today and not gonna lie, I loved it.
But things goes wrong when we were about to leave. Someone bumped into me and I fell on the ground very hard. Instead of saying sorry, they laughed.
At that moment, I noticed Yeji unnie was so pissed off as I saw her clenched her fist very tight. The three girls were mocking at me.
I didn’t expect things were going worse though. Yeji unnie went up to the girls and grabbed one of the girl’s collar. I was shocked. She got punched by the girl afterwards.
I stopped Yeji unnie as I held her wrist, preventing her from fighting back. I don’t want to see her get beaten up again. I don’t want to see her hurt, because of me.
The girls left us alone after. I can’t stand up because my knees are bleeding. It’s painful.
‘’Hold tight” Yeji unnie said in a deep tone. She carried me in bridal style. I was blushing all the way when she’s walking to her car carrying me.
I’ve never seen her like this before. She seems very mad and pissed off about what happened earlier. She looks so indifferent.

She puts me down on the front seat and went to the back seat to grab a bottle of water and a box of tissue. She lifted my leg slightly higher to check on how serious the wounds is.
Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw my knees bleeding. She cleaned the wound with the water and wiped it clean.
“Why did you stop me” she asked in a cold tone.
“I-I don’t want to see anyone hurt” I whispered.
She lifted her head and looked at me. I got scared to be honest, I’ve never seen Yeji unnie like this before. She has the cold expression on her face. Usually she smiles at me warmly.
“You’re already injured and you still care for people who hurts you. Are you that-” I cut her off as I bent over my upper body and give a kiss on her cheek.
“I don’t want to see you hurt” I said. Yeji unnie was startled with her eyes widely opened and she’s blushing. I can see how her cheeks are getting red. I’ve recently became bolder towards Yeji unnie, don’t I?
I don’t know if giving her a kiss to stop her from complaining is a good idea or not, but well at least she did stopped.
We left the amusement park after that. None of us were speaking on the journey back home.

Yeji’s POV
We reached my apartment after a hour. On the journey back home, we did not talk at all. There’s only sounds of  musics playing on the radio.
I didn’t expect Chaeryeong would kiss me on the cheek though. But I’m not complaining. It’s a lie if I said I didn’t like it.
I patted Chaeryeong’s shoulder gently to wake her up. She fell asleep since we didn’t talk at all. I bent down having my back facing her and I piggyback her up to my house.
I helped her to clean the wound after me and her take turns to take our shower.
“Ouch, it hurts” she winced as I apply the antiseptic germicidal spray on her wounds.
“Sorry.” I said.
“Does it hurts?” she asked me with a worried expression on her face.
“Huh?” I was confused. She pointed at the left corner of my mouth. I didn’t know it was bleeding until I saw some blood on my index finger’s knuckle.
Chaeryeong grabbed a cotton bud from the first aid kit beside her. “Come closer, unnie” she said so I leaned my face closer.
She wiped off the blood on my left corner of my mouth, gently.
“Ouch” I winced and she chuckled.
“What’s so funny”
“You’re cute, unnie. I’ve never seen the weak side of you before” she chuckled. I blushed at what she said to me.
My heart was beating rapidly. Our face were so close while she’s cleaning my wound.
“Done” she smiled at me.
“G-Good night, Chaeryeong” I said as I cleaned the mess we made when cleaning the wounds.
I walked out to my living room and laid down on the sofa. I scrolled on my twitter for a while.

I smiled at my screen looking at the tweet Chaeryeong posted

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I smiled at my screen looking at the tweet Chaeryeong posted. Even though the three girls ruined the happy moments Chaeryeong and I had, it’s still the best day for me.
I’m really happy when I see her having fun around and smiling with joy. That’s what I wanted to see everyday, having a beautiful smile on her face.
And yeah the best thing, I got a kiss from Chaeryeong. I was still mad at the moment when she kissed, so I didn’t express my real feeling out. But now? I’m using a cushion to cover my face as I screamed silently. I’m blushing hard.

 I’m blushing hard

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After seeing what Lia tweeted, I'm sure Lia is definitely gonna tease me tomorrow

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After seeing what Lia tweeted, I'm sure Lia is definitely gonna tease me tomorrow. I turned off my phone. I should sleep now since it’s late. 

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