Chapter 38

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Yeji’s POV
It’s been a week after our wedding. Chaeryeong and I are going for honeymoon at Maldives tomorrow! We just packed our stuffs and now we’re cuddling on the bed.

We are going to our honeymoon vacation for one week. We are all excited.

“I can’t wait!!! I’m so excited!!”  Chaeryeong said.

“I’m excited too! There are a lot of nice views there.”

“I wanna take a lot of pictures, try on their famous dishes, go for shopping and many more!!” she said while she claps her hand in excitement.

“Sure ryeongie. I’ll be your personal photographer when it comes to taking pictures.” we chuckled.

“Now, let’s just sleep. We have an early flight, we wouldn't want to miss the flight, right?” I pats her head and she nodded.

We’re now at the airport, waiting for our flight. Chaeryeong is wearing short pants, which makes a lot of people staring at her legs.

I wrapped my hand on her waist, pulling her closer, and stare at those people who’s looking at her. She’s mine you know?

“What’s that for?” she asked.

“Can’t I do this to my wife?” I asked as I looked at her innocently, trying to hide my jealousy.

She lifted her head and looked around, and she saw how I stared at those people over there.

“Ohhh, someone is jealous because they are looking at your beautiful wife” she smirked at me and nudged my arm.

“No I’m NOT-” she cut me off.

“Yeah yeah, whatever you say.” she chuckled and give me a peck on my cheek.

“This place is so beautiful!!!” Chaeryeong said. We had arrived in our resort. We are staying above the waters. This place is really relaxing.

(How their resort looks like)

We tidied our stuffs and arranged nicely

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We tidied our stuffs and arranged nicely. I went out to sit outside. The sound of the water splashing, the wind that is refreshing, it calms me down.

Chaeryeong came out too, giving me a peck on my lips, I pulled her down to let her sit on my lap and I wrapped my hand around her waist, hugging her so I could lean closer.

“Let’s enjoy this view together” I whispered to her as I tilted my head and leaned closer to her neck. Placing my head on the crook of her neck, smelling her nice scent.

I laid my back on the chair and she had her back laid on my chest. Watching at the view with my love, is the best thing in my life. Having vacations and enjoying the time with her makes me happy.

“I want to go to the beach later.” she said.

“Sure, let’s enjoy the sunset view as well then.”

“Thank you, yeddeong.” turning her head around to look at me with a warm smile.


“Thank you for making me the happiest girl in this world, yeddeong.” she then kiss my cheek.

“Change your thank you to I love you” I winked at her and kissed her lips.

“What if I don’t?” she teased.

“Then I’ll throw you down to the waters” I joked.

“If you throw me down, I would swim away from you then”

“Nope, you can’t leave me, not a chance.” I hugged her tightly. We chuckled.

“Let’s have a swim in the pool” she said as she points the pool beside us.

“Okayyy” I stood up, still carrying her in bridal style. I walked towards the pool with an evil smirk on my face.

“Hey, what are you doing?? Put me down!!” I ignored her and walked closer to the pool and the next thing I do is,

“YAHHH!!!!” she yelled when I threw her down to the pool. I bent down and laughed, pointing at her.

“HWANG YEJI!!!” she yelled at me.

“HAHAHHAHAHA” I can’t stop laughing.

"Come here baby, I’ll pull you up.” I offered her my hand.

She swims towards, closer to me and grabbed my hand. I was about to stand up so I could pull her up but then I suddenly felt her pulling me over.

“Wait Chaerye-” I fell into the water as I lost my balance.

“Payback” she said when I came up, floating on the water. She stick her tongue out and we laughed.

Since we’re already wet, we continued to swim in the pool. The weather is sunny, so the water is warm. It’s nice to swim.

After spending some time in the pool with her, we got out and changed our clothes. We are going to the beach since it’s almost 4:30pm.

We reached the beach and we sat down on the soft sands, watching the waves up and down and feeling the breezy wind going through us.

It’s relaxing.

“Yeddeong-ah, the sun is setting soon!” she stood up while speaking.

I then stood up too, standing behind her. I back hugged her and placed my chin on her shoulder.

We are admiring the nice view of sunset. It’s amazing. I love it more when I’m admiring the view with myself back hugging her.

It feels warm, and safe. All the stresses I had suddenly disappears when I’m with her. This is the power of love, I guess.

“I love you” I whispered softly to her ears and I hugged her tighter.

“I love you too” she whispered.

Under the sunset, I turned her around and captured her lips. Feeling the soft lips of her makes me feel the love we had in each other.

We walked slowly along the seaside, while we hold each other’s hand. This scene is so beautiful. Walking with her together, this moment, I love it.

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