Am i even supposed to be here?

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Vanessa sat in a corner crying for what felt like forever watching the world go by from her window and thinking about how when she was little she always dreamed of growing up and marrying a handsome Prince, and he would whisk her away to a massive castle. The reality of this of course was, she's a lesbian and gets bullied also she will probably never find a princess. Hi I am Vanessa and this is my diary, sorry for the depressing start, but I kinda like talking in third person. Anyway let's get into some dark past shall we, so when I was five my mother married a man called John, now John hated kids but he loved my mother more. So every time my mother left the house, he would beat me for hours, when my mother came home he would always stop and I would pretend I had fallen over playing or something. When I was eight, John would look at me and say "you should be grateful that I love your mother or you would be dead by now" then he would beat me senseless. I was homeschooled by this man until I was 10. My first day at school was one of the worded days of my life, it went a little something like this. The bell rang for first period, I checked my time table then rushed to my classroom, it was on the top floor, as I was climbing the stairs someone pushed me down. I tumbled down the stairs and as I hit the bottom everyone around stopped to laugh at me. I noticed one girl not laughing she was, small and had perfect ginger hair, it was tied up extremely messy and she had brasses, she was beautiful in my eyes. When everyone left she stayed and helped me up off the floor and said "hi my names Athena" we have been best friends ever since. I obviously have a crush on Athena and she is pansexual but I can't risk our friendship. Anyway I am sixteen now I have had twelve suicide attempts in the past year and I am unsure if I am supposed to be here.

Sorry it's short but I hope you enjoy if you want more please tell me!

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