If i kiss her

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Kinda smut warning idk—

Let's take a break from reality and I will show you what my reality would look like if I just kissed her. For starters it would be so much better, I get away from John more often to sleep over, second of all I would get to kiss her every day and just stair at her in all her beauty. Second of all this is how I imagine some of my life going.

-in my imagination-

I kissed her soft pink lips, her tongue explored my mouth as I explored hers. My hands on her hips and hers wrapped tightly around my neck, she jumped and wrapped her legs around my torso. I pushed her against the wall and the kiss became more passionate. I place her back down on the floor, she pushed me onto the bed and lay on top of me, things were becoming more heated.

-back to reality-

I snapped out of that trans when we saw Athenas mother open the door and cam standing there in suit and tie with a bundle of daisies, they were Athenas favourite. I was shocked I didn't think cam was the type of guy that would do a big romantic jester, that's the type of thing Athena loves. He spoke even before we had a chance to make up a plan "is Athena here, we broke up today and I realised I have been such an idiot and I want her to know I love her" the words shocked me it felt like the world was falling around me. I soon snapped myself out of in but it wasn't for long as Athena stood up from behind the counter and said "I love you too cam" she ran over and kissed him, the kiss seemed to last forever. I started to feel dizzy again but this time I passed out. I don't remember anything but waking up in the hospital bed and seeing Athena sitting beside it. Her eyes lit up as she saw me, her smile stretched from ear to ear "OMG NESSA I AM SO GLAD YOUR OK" she screamed, Nessa was her nickname for me, I loved it. Only she called me Nessa it was our thing. All of a sudden cam walked in and said "omg I am so happy your ok ena was so worried about you" ena was my nickname for her only I called her ena.

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